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Everything posted by T.D.

  1. I'm out (placed a Valentine's Day coupon order), but cdjapan just announced a new 3-day coupon, 1,000 yen off 10,000+.
  2. All but one of the BYGs I ordered have expected release date of 26 March, so it's going to be a long wait. 😕
  3. Yes, CDjapan came through with a timely coupon! I ordered a bunch 2 days ago, 8 BYG reissues plus one other.
  4. I noticed this has a reissue coming up, so had to play it on Youtube:
  5. I'm OK with Yanow. We seem to share many of the same tastes, and I consider most of his reviews reliable. OTOH he does appear to "mail in" a lot of AMG reviews, and I somewhat discount the most blatant (IMO) of those.
  6. RIP, very sad news but not surprising given health problems. I became a fan through various recordings on NoBusiness. Have long wanted to get the early CBS albums.
  7. Isn't that an audiophile forum (I don't visit)? I expect a predominance of that kind of discussion on a 'phile forum. [I'm sure there exist Hoffman posters who are less obsessed with AAA, but they'll be less visible.]
  8. Excellent word, though it generally has negative connotations. I briefly thought "coruscating", but that's probably far too positive (although one definition is "scathing"). Youtube here. I dig the album, but it's extremely free and the alto (in places) brings to mind performers such as Akira Sakata. 😉 It also includes the under-recorded (IMO) bassist Jean-François "J.F." Jenny-Clark.
  9. Now I have to hope for a CDjapan coupon offer. There were several around Xmas/New Year, but quiet since then.😕
  10. Thanks. I listened to a brief clip of the Puig and it's not the type of thing I'm into these days. I like the Percussions de Strasbourg a lot, so will look out for the Philips. I hadn't heard of the Acting Trio or Mariétan/GERM, either. MEV is a mixed bag for me (I have the New World box set), will look for some clips. The Spacecraft connection should be a plus IMO.
  11. Thanks! What is that Michel Puig release? I've never heard of it. "Chamber opera conducted by René Leibowitz", seems an outlier for the label.
  12. I was unable to access the forum at all for over 24 hours (Bing and Chrome browsers). Just now tried and succeeded (Chrome).
  13. The latest BYG/Actuel Solid CD reissues show as available for 3/24 preorder at DG. I couldn't find them at CDjapan (but hope they will appear).
  14. I don't really follow hoops, but was shocked at the big trade: Dallas basically traded L. Dončić to Lakers for A. Davis.
  15. Cutting down on pricey imports, but this includes Togashi and Satoh and sounded excellent on Youtube.
  16. RIP. Very sad indeed, I "discovered" her music just a few months ago and have listened to a fair amount on bandcamp.
  17. Darn! I finally signed up for Prime a couple of months ago, but out of habit I didn't check Amazon pricing on this. Oh well, lesson learned. 😞
  18. Just ordered this from "the Bastards". Although I'm not familiar with the prior release, the lineup is self-recommending. I'm not so fond of some of Surman's more "ECMish" releases, but brief audition on Bandcamp was sufficient to reassure me on that front. 😉
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