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Everything posted by T.D.

  1. And the Met collapse is complete! Phils in first place with a magic number of 2!!!! Damn. The NY media, especially the tabloids, are going to go absolutely apes**t. I wouldn't be surprised if that ratchets the pressure up so high that the Mets lose both remaining games. I don't really care for the Mets, but feel sorry for Willie Randolph...
  2. CD arrived, very fast shipping. Many thanks!
  3. Thanks, glad to hear this. I already have the Birdland dates, 4 Emarcys, and Rollins + 4 (sold Sarah Vaughan w. CB as vocals aren't my thing). Memorial Album is currently at the head of my yourmusic queue, and I was wondering whether to leave it there...
  4. Ducky Medwick Sir Francis Drake Goose Goslin
  5. Long John Baldry Nigel Short Cousin Itt
  6. I've actually read items by a number of sports media people expressing precisely this opinion. Especially those who have covered both baseball and hockey (in which the players are much more personable)...
  7. I received this by e-mail today. Not a bad deal, but applies 9/26 only: To get the 5 CDs for the Price of 1 offer, enter the promotion code "S7F12" in the box on the left side of our website's homepage and click "apply." But Hurry! Promo code is only good until 9/26/07! I'm passing because the BMG/yourmusic inventory hasn't been that attractive lately.
  8. PM sent on Gene Ammons/Sonny Stitt – Boss Tenors – Straight Ahead from Chicago (Verve) - $4.75
  9. No geographic ties in US pro sports. Clubs can freely move, although it's a somewhat cumbersome process and can engender a certain amount of ill will. Much of the dance re. possible franchise relocations is based on clubs' desire to get municipalities to foot the bill for new arenas. Notwithstanding the fact that all objective economic studies have concluded that public money spent for such purposes brings no real economic benefit to the spending cities, many communities without major pro franchises are eager to shell out bucks to attract teams. In turn, teams "shop" such bids in order to extract economic concessions from their home municipalities. As a result, surprising numbers of cities dole out taxpayer revenues to build lavish arenas so as to "retain" their home teams. In the current case, (IIRC) Seattle and the state of Washington seem (bully for them!) unwilling to spend taxpayer money to build a new basketball arena, so the dance has gone on longer than it often does...
  10. Diamond earrings aren't exactly rare among pro athletes these days... especially in the NFL.
  11. Do you have a code for this? What does it work out to in the end? Anytime I can get under $6 is time to pull the trigger on a batch. Ignoring sales tax: Regular-priced discs are 18.98 + 2.79 S/H = 21.77 net $1.99 priced discs are 1.99 + 2.79 S/H = 4.78 net Suppose I get 1 regular and x sale-priced. To get an average cost under $6, if we do the math, x has to be at least 13. Including 8% sales tax: Regular price is 23.51 net 1.99 sale price is 5.16 net Now, to get 1 regular and x sale-priced, with average cost under $6, x has to be at least 21. Hope this helps...
  12. Jan Ullrich Dr. Eufemio Fuentes Daisy Fuentes
  13. Well, when the lead "story" prominently features the tell-tale phrase A source told The National Enquirer, what did you expect? And the "English" in which the item was "written" didn't exactly inspire confidence...
  14. Enrico Fermi Dimitri Mendeleyev Alfred Nobel scientists for whom synthetic radioactive metallic elements were named...
  15. Motley Crue Spinal Tap Blue Oyster Cult Heavy metal acts with weirdly placed umlauts in their names...
  16. My Michigan State Spartans beat Notre Dame (talk about teams that suck* ). Glass half full: record now 4-0. Glass half empty (more realistic): likely the worst 4-0 team in the land, and regular pummelings will commence as the conference section of the schedule unfolds. * Did Tyrone Willingham (MSU grad) get hosed by ND, or what? Is the Charlie Weis honeymoon still on?
  17. Perhaps "vig"=vigorish was the problem...
  18. Exactly, way out. Especially considering that it was said to be ovarian cancer.
  19. As mentioned above, Paypal is great for buyers, as it lets them use credit cards, opening up the chargeback (disputing charges) method if mdse isn't received. Note: Paypal's "Buyer Protection" (or whatever it's called) reads like complete bullshit (IMO), so chargeback appears to be the way to go. As a seller, I find Paypal's vig a PITA, but it's worth eating because it allows buyers to use credit cards, thus enlarging the universe of buyers. Of course, I only sell CDs; sellers of big-ticket items may object more.
  20. From what I've heard, CNBC is in some trouble, with viewership down sharply from the halcyon Internet bubble days of the late '90s. Personally, I find that CNBC's programming has gone sharply downhill, and I consider it unwatchable. Bloomberg's a far better source of business news. I recall Neil Cavuto from his CNBC days. He seems like a moron. One day in 1994, he was interviewing bond market newsletter author John Liscio, who's somewhat of a character. Liscio used the word "Malthusian", and Cavuto, apparently having no idea what the word meant, was completely confounded. The interview briefly ground to a halt. That said, there's no effin' way I'll ever watch Fox Business Channel, even for laughs...
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