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Everything posted by T.D.

  1. This issue (more or less) received an interesting treatment in Jorge Luis Borges's short story Pierre Menard, Author of The Quixote. I recommend reading the story, but the "appropriation art" cited above has little or no interest to me.
  2. Yeah, it shows up on Concord's site, $2 more than the "Prestige RVG". This surprises me, because I thought all the titles that were P-RVG'd had the K2s, etc. pulled from the catalog. If you want the K2, better snap it up...
  3. I've been a member for a relatively short time, mostly lurking (aside from "Name Three People"), but have enjoyed this forum immensely. My thanks to Jim and Organissimo for hosting, and I respect the decision. I'm going to make myself scarce, as it seems rather sad and pointless to continue lurking and posting at a site that will disappear at the end of the month. Will check back re. future plans, and hope to become a regular at any successor forum.
  4. Thanks, Jim. I'm a relatively new member, but have truly enjoyed this forum, which is the best I've seen. Having witnessed quite a few good bulletin boards die off, I fear the decision's final.
  5. Yeah, that was an unbelievable blunder by Gibbs. Funny, but sometimes you have to wonder how well-schooled some "name" coaches are with respect to certain fine points of rules/strategy. For instance, the great Bill Parcells frequently made bone-headed decisions about two-point conversions. The Bills deserved it; Lindell had followed through and kicked the 51-yarder right after Gibbs made the first "ice" call, and it split the uprights...
  6. I recently had a similar situation arise, from the seller's point of view. I had sold many CDs (well over 200) on Amazon with no problems, but a buyer e-mailed me back that a disc was scratched. I didn't believe that it was scratched pre-sale, and the buyer seemed a little flaky, but there's always a possibility of scratches occurring during shipping. I proposed two options to the buyer: (a) keep the item, and we'd discuss a partial refund; (b) return the item. He elected to return it, whereupon I refunded the money, but told him to just keep the disc, as I didn't want to go through the hassle (and additional cost of refunding postage) associated with a return. I chalked the whole thing up to the risks of online/mail order business. The buyer was effusively grateful, and there was never a feedback issue (in fact, he wound up giving very positive feedback). I suggest accepting the quid pro quo.
  7. In a much colder climate, I keep the thermostat at 54-56. Temp gets close to 60 after heat kicks in, over 60 when sun shines during the day. Clothing: think layers and Polartec fleece.
  8. About an inch of snow showers this AM. Cold today (didn't make 20), low going down to around 0 (Fahrenheit) tonight. Couple of inches of snow forecast for tomorrow, then some kind of snow/sleet/ice mess Sunday night into Monday. And it's windy.
  9. It tasted nasty in the early days, but the flavor's steadily improved over the years (I've consumed quite a bit in the course of running, cycling, etc.). You probably wouldn't lay in a supply for a party, though... I recall a couple of old soda brands, Tab and Fresca, as the most vile-tasting concoctions. I think they're still around, which is remarkable.
  10. For Hampton Hawes fans, I recommend Bird Song. I got this, which I had assumed was OOP (and was, at that time, pricey at Amazon Marketplace), in my last order.
  11. Interesting article. The author is much more financially savvy than I expected! Thanks for posting it. I particularly like the analysis leading up to Figure 3, where he computes a net present value using a plausible 12.5% (OK, somewhat conservative, but not that conservative considering that Citigroup just made a deal to pay 11% on convertible debt) discount rate. In this case, the NPV of Yankee earnings from the A-Rod contract is a paltry $13 MM over the 10 years. So it may be profitable for NYY, but far from a home run, so to speak. The luxury tax is a big factor in the analysis! I'd argue that on a fully risk-adjusted basis, if we consider the probability of premature erosion of skills (a la Bernie Williams) or career-shortening injury, the expected profit from the contract would be somewhat less. I'm too lazy to do this analysis, however, as some Monte Carlo simulation might be required.
  12. Damn. I placed an order of over $50 a couple of months ago. This new added 10% off may force me to place another. But I'd better do the Christmas shopping first, so as to stay out of trouble... BTW, I got a glossy Concord catalog in the mail a couple of days ago (followed by e-mail). Content was of little interest, as I'm more inclined to the back catalog, but it did give the 10% off discount code.
  13. Thanks. Much of the chess history related is well-known and not particularly well-treated, but certain aspects of the article are interesting. I hadn't heard of Bennett's novel Zugzwang, and will look for it. I've read the other chess-themed novels mentioned. The chess-pathology/insanity connection is often discussed (almost ad nauseam in the opinion of some enthusiasts ), with Paul Hoffmann's King's Gambit a recent notable entry.
  14. Explanations, please? Geography. UP = Upper Peninsula (also the source of the "Yoopie" item). "Thumb" = big piece of land sticking out, like the thumb of an oven mitt (which Michigan, ex-UP, resembles) extending northward from the Detroit area. I went to college in Michigan (a long-ass time ago), and think most of Foxworthy's traits are lame and applicable to any area with long winters. Other posters (eg Uncle Skid) have listed better ones.
  15. Well, to bat .100 in the majors, you'd have to have at least 10 official ABs in "The Show", which would satisfy my sports fantasies (well, OK, that plus a few groupies...). Wandering OT, I recall a Yankee pitcher named Bob Kammeyer. He had only 1 big-league appearance, in 1979. Got bombed, gave up 8 ER without retiring a batter, for a career ERA of infinity! I googled, and there are quite a few pitchers with such sorry records.
  16. Mackie Messer Kris Kringle Dirk Diggler
  17. Fons De Wolf Edgardo Alfonso Sir Alf Ramsay
  18. Sudden Sam McDowell Rapid Robert Feller Steve Dalkowski
  19. Henry Grob Alexey Sokolsky Preston Ware [chessplayers after whom weird chess openings are named, resp. 1. g4, 1. b4, 1. a4 ]
  20. IIRC, Bills GM Marv Levy is a Harvard grad [Added: he has an MA from Harvard, but didn't attend as an undergraduate], and coach Dick Jauron a Yale grad. This Ivy League GM-coach combo must be very rare in professional sports (I can't say it's never occurred, but I doubt it has in the NFL).
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