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Posts posted by T.D.

  1. 37 minutes ago, JSngry said:

    Print a counterfeit with no music, just a blank groove, sell it for Stoopid big bux, and then see how long it takes for the buyer to play the record to find out there's nothing there. 

    In the stratospheric price range (e.g. $10,000) I doubt the records ever get played, because doing so would diminish resale value. So I betcha that'd work!

  2. 20 minutes ago, sidewinder said:

    Agreed. Wasn't that Pullen/Adams 'Don't Lose Control' also one of their artistic masterpieces? 

    No, that one was on Soul Note. That cover, though puzzling, has always made me laugh because the woman pictured surely looks like a streetwalker.  


  3. 18 minutes ago, JSngry said:

    That's the upcoming cover right? 

    This is not really a reissue, having never been legitimately issued at all! 

    At least that!

    Cover concept by Todd Barkan and cover model...Miss Holland!!! 

    Looks more like a bodybuilder/weightlifter than a beauty queen, which ups the weirdness/disturbing ante. 🤔

  4. I was once told by a tech guy that if SSDs fail, they "fail hard" and the data tends not to be recoverable. This was on the occasion of replacing a computer internal hard drive that had somehow failed by developing some "bad spots" (but almost all data was recovered).

    I've no idea whether that assertion about SSDs is true. 🙄

  5. http://www.glossamusic.com/glossa/reference.aspx?id=574

    I love Brumel's Earthquake Mass and Glossa is an excellent label. May have to spring for this due to the unusual instrumentation (electric guitar?), even though the added material by Mota causes some trepidation.


    About this album

    For their new album, Graindelavoix and Björn Schmelzer have turned to Antoine Brumel’s amazing 12-voice Missa Et ecce terræ motus, “monstrous and unique”, in Schmelzer’s words. Recorded during their 2023 European tour, the ensemble has added to their regular singers four wind instrument players and, most especially, has invited the Portuguese composer and guitarist Manuel Mota, who provides some intriguing soundscapes which seamlessly blend with the spectacular singing.

    Björn Schmelzer: “This mass was unprecedented for Brumel’s time, totally incomparable to what else was being composed. It evokes many later genres and even contemporary styles, as you see when you perform it today. In any case, I am fascinated by musical works that are exceptional in their own time and in that specific sense are essential to a certain historical period. Taking such exceptional works seriously and seeing them as crucial means that you automatically change the existing image of the past, and I am convinced that you also change your own time.”

    In the booklet essay, Schmelzer builds on the similarities of Brumel’s composition to Pieter Bruegel’s drawing The Resurrection of Christ, providing yet another fascinating approach to one of the most outstanding and crucial musical creations of the Renaissance.

  6. Some new arrivals (HIcks, Mizuno) and watched items (incl Black Jazz titles @ $6.99) from "The Bastards":

    Walter Bishop Jr  Coral Keys
     Art Blakey (with Billy Harper)  Moanin
    John Hicks Live In Tokyo (solo 2CD)
    Rudolph Johnson Second Coming

    Shuko Mizuno World Of Shuko Mizuno -- Live In 5 Days In Jazz 76
    Sirone Artistry

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