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  • Location
    Tokyo, Japan

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JohnJ's Achievements

  1. Winnipeg - 40
  2. Always fun. Winnipeg 55.
  3. Not a great opening day, but as a lifelong supporter of Luton Town just being in the Premier League feels surreal.
  4. Winnipeg 35
  5. Nice article in the Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2022/sep/01/charles-stepney-secret-genius-producer-soul
  6. Well that's extremely kind of you BFrank. GA Russell, I will PM you shortly. Sincere thanks to both of you!
  7. Winnipeg - 55
  8. "Lush Life" would seem to fit the bill. Thinking of the Coltrane/Hartman version naturally.
  9. 8/10 too. Not bad for a Brit.
  10. Rick, your post prompted me to do a little research and it appears the date of the Sade concert was actually Friday September 14th 1984 at the long gone Inkstick in Roppongi. As you say we could almost reach out and touch her. Anyway, it was a long time ago and while the concert was certainly memorable I don't remember anything about the composition of the audience!
  11. Hey JohnJ, do I know you? I was in that club in 1985! Rick Doiron 

    1. Rick D

      Rick D

      In Tokyo in your Sade post from 2006

    2. JohnJ


      Hi Rick,

      Sorry, have been away and just saw your post. Will reply in the thread.


  12. Why thank you Bob, very kind! I must confess I thoroughly enjoyed season 2 of Mr. Robot.
  13. A bit late this year. Calgary 80.
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