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Everything posted by JSngry

  1. How do Percy and Lockjaw line up chronologically?
  2. People who weren't there for it probably don't realize the power of Sly at his peak and therefore the power of his fall. He remains a hero to me, fall and all.
  3. I'm increasingly enamored of streaming. Space is almost gone and money has to last for however long forever is going to be. And for the hyper-recorded like Stitt, Braxton, Konitz, Shepp, etc. I want to hear it all, but damned if I want to own it all. Reviews...a lack of an understanding social context doesn't affect the objective qualities of the playing (the "how") , but it sure as hell affects the comprehension of the "why", and therefore the "meaning". This shit takes work. Maybe it's worth it. Maybe it's not. But if it's not fun, leave it be. And if it is, go all in. Or not.
  4. Is she doing this gig without accompaniment?
  5. This record will appeal to fans of _____. Why? Because it's a good record or just because it's _____ ? And if I'm not especially a fan of _____, is there enough of something in there that I would be well-advised to still check it out? I get that generalism has it's place, but jeez...an excess of adjectives is just the flip side of not enough, maybe? Or maybe an informed star rating system ain't the worst thing? Just buy everything until you figure it out for yourself. Even better, stream everything first. It costs less and you don't have to mess with traffic and other people who you wish were any place besides in your way.
  6. Chuck Simethicone - Love After Dinner!!!
  7. Just kidding about the charm. In our town he's a certified asshole.
  8. Bregman will make you love him. He's a charmer.
  9. Full speed ahead now, correct?
  10. That's a damn good record.
  11. Good to have it back, thanks!!!🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄
  12. This is what stuff like Yellowjackets is paying for. Good business is not just about taking!
  13. He began seriously going to AA in 1983. The Anabus revelation occurred earlier that year, at the Poetry recording with Albert Dailey, necessitating the solo piano solo cuts. That's a really crazy story. This is all per the Maggin bio, which is at times a really harrowing read.
  14. I think he made his best music once he committed to sobriety and started trying to make amends.
  15. That's crazy!!
  16. How are they delivering a free digital sampler if not by download? What's the waiting for?
  17. It was "local", but hey, Fathead, James Clay, and Leroy Cooper, nothing but flayva.
  18. David Fathead Newman, Ellis Marsalis and Cornell Dupree - Return to the Wide Open Spaces (Steady Boy Records) This is a very good record,
  19. Anybody look familiar here? https://big10inchrecord.blogspot.com/2025/01/its-summertime-or-so-ray-charles.html
  20. I'm playing a Japanese Milestone CD version that has five extra cuts. The Super Bowl started before I got to that one. You may be right. But the record overall comes off like a McCoy record with Sonny sitting in. It's not a balanced presentation imo.
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