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Everything posted by JSngry

  1. What about that Tardo Hammer guy?
  2. I read. Conversely, why are you so sure he wasn't? Because you don't like him?
  3. No, he was popular in Harlem. Lots of things were. It was a world that only sometimes was exposed to the rest of the world
  4. I listen to him whenever/wherever he turns up. And I really only listen to Miles anymore when some new bootleg shows up. Been there done that, no sense in overkill. Still waiting for the live Jungle Band set tho. I will be comparing Miles' organ playing to Morris's. Apples to apples, at least closer. Still check this one out pretty regularly tho: Oh, Milt Buckner. If you don't dig Milt Buckner, you are wrong for jazz. Wrong, period imo.
  5. Not matured? It was how people played at the time. Didn't sound like they lacked for ideas or skills or anything. Wild Bill Davis was another one, popular in his time, but those things are all but forgotten today. It's his later work that is known today. Too bad. It's all good. No matter. There's two ways to listen to stuff like this - be spoken to by it andllearn from it or else try to teach it and scold it.
  6. That's a good record. The music sounds like the cover and vice-versa.
  7. I'm under the impression that Marlowe ,Morris was very popular in Harlem for quite a while.
  8. With the LP set, I found that one side of an LP was enough to fill me up. There's so much there!
  9. They got lots of jazz radio play here back in the day. I found them clever, not great soloists, but always interesting writing.
  10. I still use Firefox just because I've yet to have a reason not to.
  11. I'd like to know what that interview with Sly was where he was totally lucid. Red sweater, obviously after the fall. I'd like to see the entire thing.
  12. Apparently he was a BIG Ben admirer.
  13. My guess would by Byas and or Ben. They both founds ways of doing that "sound as sound thing" to some extent, in the way that Percy and especially Lock did. Breathing the same air!
  14. Ok, they definitely seem to have been breathing some of the same air as far as saxophone mechanics go. Fascinating, as not very many others have!
  15. How do Percy and Lockjaw line up chronologically?
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