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Everything posted by JSngry

  1. The Price Is Right - The Barker Era 24/7 episodes from the 70s and 80s. Fascinating
  2. Along maybe the same lines...where can I find a list of those great complete RCA/Columbia sets, older and new? I've had a great time with those!
  3. The way to have a presence is not to be present where (increasingly) nobody is.
  4. Lots of variables. The more favors you can call in on all elements, the less it's gonna cost. But the last time I floated a project it would have been a $3K bare minimum (and with too many corners cut for my liking). But that was over a decade ago. Bottom line - there's already too many vanity projects out there already. Nobody wants to hear all that shit, much less pay retail for it.
  5. People still celebrate Beethoven's birthday.
  6. That's Savoy stuff, right? Not sure about the release itself (or the increasing of the probability of rapture LOL), but the music is superb. Always has been, always will be.
  7. Thank you for including Matana Roberts!
  8. I hear you on all of that!
  9. The Alonzo Levister record is not Tristanoish, but it is pretty interesting pre-Third Stream and has members of Mingus' circle playing.
  10. Bobette Barker - Holly Got A Haircut!!!
  11. Without a sense of historical perspective, it might fairly be considered underwhelming, but it does have its moments. And it is a fun (enough) listen.
  12. My LP came from a Half Price Books about 20 years ago. My CD was a gift not too long ago. The record itself...apparently by this time, Savoy's jazz releases were outside productions. This Moffett was self-produced. Cody was just a kid. Too bad that him and Denardo didn't make a duet record.
  13. I wish there would have been a box with the entire label's output. It entailed a very interesting confluence of musics. Obviously some was of more immediate/lasting impact/importance than others, but among other things it shows the penetration of the Tristano ethos there was outside of what The Narrative tells us today.
  14. Thanks! I think I'll not regret not making the same decision!!!
  15. How does this compare to the Mingus Debut box?
  16. Is that because of Dewey's or Jarrett's higher level there? Or both? or something else? I agree that it's an above -average date!
  17. JSngry

    RIP Jerry Butler

    Al Green, Laura Lee, and Millie Jackson are still alive.
  18. Directly is a long away.
  19. https://apnews.com/article/jerry-butler-soul-singer-dead-85-1148f5bc574c4e8b82d8f0e550921980
  20. Rights reverted to Sullivan, who the yot it out on Inner City.
  21. Yes and yes! A less involved group of players might suffer groove fatigue by the time it's over, but these folks are locked in all the way!
  22. ? OTOH, in 2025, what is "real" bebop anyway ?
  23. Whatever happened to Dennis O'Too(t)le?
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