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Everything posted by JSngry

  1. And everywhere!!!
  2. All of them, and no.
  3. Gave it a speed listen and the first thing that's obvious is that there's an A-Side and a B-Side with different versions of the same songs, in the same order. Also, I suspect that Percy France is on here more than once?
  4. It's just a tool, nothing more. And like any tool, it can be employed artfully or it can be employed tritely, and/or anywhere in between.
  5. No. Wrong notes/flubs can still be moving. Those are two totally different things. There's one reason why people practice, to minimize the likelihood of obvious mistakes. That's not artificial perfectionism. That's just basic musicianship. And yet they will still happen.
  6. It's not "searching for" them if they call attention to themselves ....
  7. That's an electric bass?
  8. Live footage of Cannonball at Monterrey. But brief.
  9. Lions not backing down or off. Next Sunday night could be epic. Or not
  10. Reciprocal relationships are the best.
  11. One of her early best. I first had it on cassette and damn near wore it out. She is missed.
  12. Nellie Fox Luis Aparicio Frank Thomas
  13. Hurtz Skeedlemier - May I Kiss You?
  14. That moustache is creepy!
  15. Hi and Louis Dagwood and Blondie Arlo and Janis
  16. Ok then...IIRC, the Rockland Palace material needed pitch correction and didn't get it until much later than this AF set. The only issue I would recommend would be the one that T.D. referenced. Bird is in very good form on all of this material.
  17. Almost certainly Boris Rose material. Savoy released the Royal Roost material. That's the way to go for that.
  18. Danny Davis The Nashville Brass Nashville Cats
  19. Tone Janša Woody Shaw Darren Woodson
  20. Andrew Jergens Andrew Carnegie Hall Overton
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