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Everything posted by JSngry

  1. Because it's there (in the set) and I paid for it. Mozart is in no way fun for me. Maybe the operas will be, but I'll need to set aside a dedicated block for that so I can have an honest reaction. And to get some DVDs with English subtitles.
  2. Here's another one!
  3. Tress-Cun-Deo-La" has been an underground dance hit for a while now, and even got the remake treatment! So somebody was paying attention!
  4. This is a VERY good record!!!
  5. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/who-killed-andy-the-footless-goose-gene-fleming.html
  6. No doubt. But that's true of any culture built on sustainability/survival through conformity, not just the Amish. How much of that difference do you think might be engineering, making the smaller product harder so it stays intact better?
  7. Mexican chocolate, like Mexican vanilla, is a thing unto itself. There is a devout following for both. How that pertains to Hershey products, probably not much, if at all. It's labor, not creative. Ah, ok. I actually dig the Amish in theory. Work hard, work honestly, take care of your own, do no harm, and fuck all attempts to control you by changing you into being their commodity bitch. That much is ok by me. I'm sure the interior dynamics and realities aren't that simple (or always that pure), they almost never are. But I do remember that ice cream being really REALLY good
  8. What is this "cultural dissonance"? The Amish and such, Mennonites? Or the Klan? The latter, I got a sideways glimpse at while playing a bar gig in Uniontown.
  9. Well, it is in America... Besides, not all company towns come with amusement parks. Some just come with stanky air and poison water! The Sangrey family has roots in the Pennsylvania Dutch part of Pennsylvania, and my folks went to a family reunion in the early 1960s, in Lancaster IIRC. Ate Amish ice cream, went to Hershey (no amusement park then, but got a factory tour with free candy everywhere), worked a little bit on my dad's Uncle Clate's farm, etc. A good time for a 6-7 yr old kid. But that was 1961 or so. Probably wouldn't be as much fun today, although horses, cows, and chickens are always fun in controlled doses. Still!
  10. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hershey_Company Still there.
  11. Consider Hershey. It really does smell like chocolate.
  12. So far, so good!
  13. Pretty lively town if this documentary is any indication!!!
  14. Lakkay McDornicle - I Tree Alone
  15. Omie Haroma - Skedaddle!!!
  16. Be well, stay strong!
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