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About JSngry

  • Birthday 12/14/1955

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    tx, usa
  • Interests
    Getting to the good parts.

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  1. I got these sets lined up and am thinking that a total immersion summer is in order. Any commentary in advance is certainly welcome! I know the later 1969(?) Bartok, but not this earlier one. Also excited that the earliest recordings are weighted towards more (then) recent composers. Summer's almost here and the time is right for chillin' in the AC.
  2. Maybe THE Dakota Staton record?
  3. There's some kind of Venn Diagram where Buddy Rich and Tony Williams overlap. Some where.
  4. Buddy did good work on Groove Merchant! As did Lionel Hampton!
  5. Do you turn turn turn the pages?
  6. When I drank, I preferred shots. Double. Ice is for mixed drinks, which to me is for social drinking. I never drank to be social. What's the point in that? I drank to get a good enough buzz to stand being around social. These days, make mine sober. Regardless of the pain and suffering! Do these cold rocks work for ice tea and soda pop?
  7. I would quibble about the term "disco"...this stuff if definitely for dancing, but it's evolved way past the stereotypical "disco" beats. A lot more parts to the drum patters. At least the better stuff is. There's always plenty of shock. There are repetitive patterns, to be sure. It is dance music and it is programming. But like anything else some people use use it and others actually work with it, sometimes radically som
  8. What are these things?
  9. Their packaging deteriorated over time. The double sleeves gave way to singles that more or less looked the same for every record. But the Buddy Rich record with Illinois Jacquet is a stone classic in every regard! Mainstream...maybe scarcity has created an outsized reputation? Plenty of good records, but plenty average ones too
  10. With how much of the MAW output are you familiar with? They were arguably the leading hose production team of the time (individually and collectively), both original and remixes. They always get my attention for their creativity. But it IS dance music, so it is that. Groove Uber alles. A fun example:
  11. Sonny Lester did Solid State, so track backwards to that, at least. I think he was with UA before that, not really doing jazz. Lester has always had a trail of erratic productions. Some good, some just silly. The music is usually good though, especially on the earlier releases. LRC has to be some kind of shadygrady operation.
  12. Released on Vanguard in the US? Sadao is way in over his head, god bless him. The trio renders him all but invisible. But the result is a stealth classic!
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