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  1. Thanks for posting this. It will be interesting to see if this project comes to pass and what's on it. I could see them issuing the Decca and Urania material plus "Tricotism" though the latter has been available on cd. The big question is all the French stuff. The "Jazz in Paris" series has issued a fair amount of Lucky's Paris sessions both as leader and with various other people, but I don't think that series has issued the sessions recorded for "Swing." But I think all this would be too big for a Select, wouldn't it? greg mo The Decca and ABC material are both owned by Verve, I believe, so some combination along those lines could be possible. Whatever the case, a Lucky Thompson Select would be great.
  2. Here's a discography that includes the 50s. I assume it's accurate. lucky disco
  3. I love this album too. I have a CD from the European Atlantic Masters series, it sounds fine to me.
  4. next up, Tal Farlow, the 1956 session with Eddie Costa and Vinnie Burke. Love how Costa digs in on the lower range of the piano
  5. Byrd/Adams. The 1967 session with Corea, probably my favorite one in this set.
  6. To me, the current BN falls into the same traps that many contemporary labels fall into... the 70 minute recordings (about 30 min too long), too many tribute albums, neglecting working bands that travel and routinely play gigs in favor of signing kids just out of college or big name stars.... I guess those are the things that sell, but they make for mostly boring music.
  7. I'm curious to hear more about the Handy material. I don't have any of it, but listening to the Montery set on Rhapsody--pretty exciting. How does music in the rest of the set compare?
  8. at the beginning of the decade, Ellington New Orleans Suite and Mary Lou Williams (Mary's Mass). Didn't Ellington say MLW was perpetually modern?
  9. 'Prayer for Passive Resistance' from Mingus, Live at Antibes. Booker Ervin stretching out and sure doing some soulful 'praying'.
  10. Just my opinion, but this set bored me, so if you already have a "fair bit of it," that's probably all you need. Well, let me just say that this set is one of my favorite Selects. It grew on me, and I now consider it a great body of work. There is much here that doesn't come out and slap you in the face, but woos you over time. Very interesting new takes on older material, very mellow and swinging playing. The Brookmeyer is a favorite of mine too. The guitar (Jim Hall and Jimmy Raney) mixes really nicely with the valve trombone--like Lon said, a mellow sound (but still swinging)
  11. For those interested, here's the npr link npr Rudresh
  12. I thought that the masters destroyed in the Atlantic fire were mostly limited to alternate takes and unissued material? So the bulk of the Coltrane material should be from original masters? I bought Ole from the European Atlantic Masters series and it sounds very good to me. warnerjazz The Atlantics may have their flaws but in some ways I prefer them to many of the Coltrane Impulse recordings, which rarely sound to me as if they're coming from original masters (compare the Trane reissues to the sound of the BNs also recorded by RVG in the 60s)..the Tranes sound muddy by comparison
  13. A favorite of mine too. I like it better than Miles' version.
  14. I've been really enjoying Dewey Redman's 'The Struggle Continues" the last few months. I'm looking for more dates like that (not necessarily from Redman), but finding it hard to know where to look. I know the inside/out characterization can be kind of hard to pin down, but I'm basically looking for stuff (post-1970--the BN material is obvious) that is similar to recordings I really love (the Redman date, Billy Harper/ Soul of an Angel, Arthur Blythe/Lenox Ave. Breakdown, David Murray Octet/For Trane, Roy Campbell/Akhenaten Suite, Billy Bang/Vietmanm: The Aftermath). Thanks for suggestions
  15. montg

    Teddy Charles

    Teddy Charles has a new recording scheduled for release in February. On Smalls Records. Talk about longevity! Dances With Bulls
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