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  1. Bebop, you must live near me. I won't go see it. I hate what happened in Oakland after the shooting. My neighbors were on the BART car where the fight broke out and they said it was terrifying. People on the train were callng 911 and waiting for the shooting to start. I don''t remember Grant from Farmer Joe's because I usually just buy produce there but the owners posted the memorial program the day of the service. Awful thing all the way around.
  2. I caught the last hour or so and loved it, even though marcus miller tweeted last year's event link.
  3. http://www.courant.com/videogallery/73712409/Home-Video-Newtown-Victim-Ana-Marquez-Greene-Sings-Hymn-With-Brother This is adorable and heartbreaking.
  4. Perhaps Mr. van Gogh never lost a child...
  5. I have fond memories of Dave Brubeck from the 1960's. RIP.
  6. A lot of websites have clips but start with cnn.com. Good luck. It was really a wonderful memorial. Try this link. http://www.cnn.com/2012/02/18/showbiz/whitney-houston-funeral/index.html?hpt=hp_c1
  7. Oh, my it's so sad. Someone you detest, a cultural expression you describe as a circus, took up most of today and lot of the past week and it didn't have anything to do with you. Hell, nobody even had the common decency to ask your permission if Cissy Houston could hold a funeral for her daughter. And she planned it in a way that just offended you so much. Come to think of it, it's too bad this can't happen every week without someone dying.
  8. Huge, horrible loss. I was wild about Weather Report and I loved Zawinul's work. The only glimmer of light associated with his passing was that KCSM played his music all day long and into the night yesterday. I had the radio on at work all day and it was a wonderful feast of music. But I'd rather hear his music occasionally on the radio and have him still making and playing music. This is just too sad. RIP.
  9. Wynton Marsalis is one person. And if he tried to hail a cab on his way to Lincoln Center, no one would stop for him either. But this is all besides the point. The issue at Yoshi's was not about race. It was an oversight. Except for the few folks in the jazz community with an ax to grind, this is not viewed as a premeditated racial snub. When people ask me about the CD (because they know I have spent many hours at Yoshi's), I explain what happened and they get it. I really wish Peter wasn't taking the heat for this because, you know, stuff happens and as Valerie said, Peter is one of the good guys.
  10. There's nothing wrong with asking about the make-up of the CD. This is the Bay Area, not a segregated community where people are expected to shut up and keep their opinions to themselves. There's no crime in having balance or for asking for it. The outcome of the CD was an oversight and was not an intentional exclusion of anyone. But raising the question shouldn't create a backlash against those who raised the question. The Berkeley Downtown festival is a separate issue and shouldn't be included in a discussion about Yoshi's CD. I feel bad for Yoshi's employees because they really didn't deserve for this story to become what it is. I understand what happened with this CD--it was trying to do too much with not enough time and resources. Happens to me at work all the time but I don't end up on the front page of the paper. I agree with Orrin Keepnews. The CD was not well-thought out and it certainly didn't reflect the diversity of talent that has passed through Yoshi's over the years. Had they taken the time to include the giants of jazz on the CD, the ethnic composition of the CD would have been a non issue. When I saw the line-up on the CD I figured I'd pass. Not because it was all-white, it was just boring. If you are going to be so put out by this whole matter, perhaps you might ask why the tabloid press at the Chronicle decided to make this a front page story, two days in a row. It was a story worth covering but the sensationalism with which it was reported was disgusting. Yoshi's does a great job of bringing jazz to the Bay Area that includes a wide diversity of talent. It is not unreasonable to expect to see that diversity on their commemorative CD.
  11. Happens all the time. If the person is drunk, on drugs, driving on a suspended license, is on parole, is undocumented, they are likely to flee. Not to mention good old stupidity. You are right that it can be a stolen vehicle, and sometimes it is, but it is surprising the number of incidents like these that occur with cars that are not stolen. Ufortunately, this happens frequently around here. Six and a half million people are in the nine county Bay Area and a commensurate number of jackasses are part of the popluation.
  12. It doesn't appear so. http://www.kcbs.com/pages/332092.php?conte...ontentId=395146 Local News Posted: Monday, 02 April 2007 5:41PM CHP Names Two Persons of Interest in Deadly Hit-and-Run SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS) -- OAKLAND, Calif. (KCBS) -The California Highway Patrol has named two people considered persons of interest in the deadly hit-and run crash near the Bay Bridge Monday morning. Gregory Sranciskovich, 42, and Cynthia Ford, 49, are not being called suspects by the highway patrol, but they are being sought for information regarding the crash. Both Sranciskovich and Ford are believed to be Oakland residents, according to the CHP. Motorcyclist Timothy Haagensen, 52, of Concord died at 5:20 a.m. after hitting the driver's side of a 1990 Honda Accord that a witness said swerved into his lane. The car was abandoned at the toll plaza parking lot and the suspect fled on foot, according to the CHP. Haagensen was riding his 2000 Harley Davidson motorcycle on westbound 80 just before the toll plaza when he collided with the car. He was thrown from the bike about 100 yards east of the tolls. He was wearing a helmet.
  13. This is what I'm talking about when I say murder by car. How can anyone who claims to be a member of the human race hit someone and just leave? Apr 2, 2007 2:37 pm US/Pacific Honda Driver Sought In Deadly Bay Bridge Hit & Run Raw Video: Toll Plaza Crash Scene Raw Video: Suspect Car In Fatal Hit & Run (CBS 5 / AP / BCN) OAKLAND The California Highway Patrol was looking for the driver of a car that collided with a Harley motorcycle just east of the Bay Bridge toll plaza early Monday morning, killing a 52-year-old motorcyclist. Timothy Haagensen of Concord died at 5:20 a.m. after hitting the driver's side of a 1990 Honda Accord that a witness said swerved into his lane, according to the Alameda County coroner's office. The crash backed up traffic for several hours. CHP Sgt. R. Ross said the car was found abandoned at the toll plaza parking lot and it appeared the suspect fled on foot. The CHP initially thought the car might have turned around at the toll plaza and gone back to the East Bay. "Right now we don't have a suspect but we have good leads that we're working on and developing," he said. Haagensen was riding his 2000 Harley Davidson motorcycle on westbound Interstate 80 just before the toll plaza when he lost control and was thrown from the bike about 100 yards east of the toll booths. Ross said a witness told the CHP that a black, four-door Honda ahead of Haagensen made an unsafe lane change into Haagensen's lane, which caused the front end of Haagensen's motorcycle to strike the Honda's driver's side door and Haagensen to lose control of his bike. It doesn't look like the driver stopped after hitting the bike, Ross said. The CHP has matched a mirror, trim pieces and paint chips found near the crash site to the Honda and found items inside the car that investigators hope will lead them to the driver, Ross said. The Honda, which is registered in California, has been impounded and investigators are in the process of contacting witnesses and establishing who owned the car, he said. Immediately after the crash, there was no sign of the driver and investigators are looking into the possibility that he or she might have called someone on a cell phone to ask for a ride away from the scene, Ross said. It would be hard to hide in near the toll plaza without being noticed, he said. There were no reports of pedestrians on the highway after the collision and nothing to indicate anyone had hiked away from the area, he said. Investigators asked the public for leads in finding the driver of the Accord with license plate number 4STV911. Anyone with information about the incident was asked to contact the CHP at (800) TELL-CHP. (© CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. The Associated Press and Bay City News contributed to this report.)
  14. Is this really true? I find it hard to believe. Guy There are a number of very bad accidents that happen around here frequently. The drunks get charged and there's usually some footnote in the press to follow up so I have to believe the nondrunks just get smacked on the butt. Last year there was a bad wreck on the freeway in SF and a witness followed the person he claimed caused the incident. Multiple persons died in the wreck, it was a van. The police initially didn't charge the guy, then they did, then he was uncharged. Apparently he was in a hurry to get to his rugby or soccer match in Golden Gate Park. Part of a family was wiped out and apparently that's the end of it. Last week, two SUVs in SF collided at an interesection, one making a left turn. One SUV went totally out of control, went up on the sidewalk, pinned two people, one died, one in critical condition. Let's face it, you know that someone was speeding and or running a red light. I will predict now that unless alcohol is involved, no one in either vehicle will see anything greater than a ticket. You'd have to be going pretty damn fast to end up on the sidewalk and killing someone. Most intersection crashes don't end up with vehicles against a building unless speed is involved and many people running red lights (or using the euphamism "making" the yellow light) are speeding. If society really wanted to deal with bad driving, they'd start hammering people who drive like they are the only person on the road and cause injury or death to other people.
  15. I see your LA congestion and raise you to Bay Area bridges that take 30 minutes just to get through the toll plaza. Or an "incident" on the bridge that results in cars stuck in traffic for hours. If cops are involved in the "incident," you should plan to just spend the night and enjoy the view of the Bay from your car.
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