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Everything posted by Brad

  1. The pandemic was a different situation. I live in NJ and I had a cd sent from NY take three months to get here. It sat in Jersey City forever and then it was shipped to a town near me and then to Florida. It then returned to NJ but to Kearney, which is more efficient, and finally found it’s way to me.
  2. I’ve never had that experience with them. Everything gets delivered relatively quickly.
  3. That place is a hellhole.
  4. Are you referring to someone in particular?
  5. One of the principal actresses, Joey King, is in a new movie with Nicole Kidman on Netflix called “A Family Affair.” Funny but a little predictable but still worth a watch.
  6. W & P is one of the great novels but if you don’t like Tolstoy it’s probably best not to bother. Since we are speaking about Russians, you might like some Pushkin. Here is an article worth reading: 10 Russian Novels to Read Before You Die
  7. Wholeheartedly but it’s very long. This is a good companion book, Give War and Peace a Chance: Tolstoyan Wisdom for Troubled Times, by Andrew Kaufman. Highly recommended. I read it as I read W & P. Terrific book as are all of his espionage books.
  8. Did you ever read War and Peace?
  9. The earlier years are. I think Kellogg’s stopped making them around 1983.
  10. I collected cards (mostly Mets) the mid 80s to about 98 and then stopped but I started again a few years ago just to fill in some holes and put them in new binders. I purchased some of the Kelloggs cards. They are in mint condition, no curling or cracking.
  11. As Felser said, great set. Someone is missing out! The LA one is good too.
  12. They are actually quite collectible and some can be expensive. The 1970 Kellogg Seaver one can fetch over $100, not bad for a cereal card.
  13. The impression I have is that following the Atlantic debacle, the company tried to expand too fast, instead of gradually building itself up.
  14. Ever since I started purchasing jazz in earnest, and after a few duplicate purchases, I started keeping a list in Word of everything I own. When the time comes I can provide a buyer with the list. I hadn’t heard about DG buying collections but it’s something i will keep in the back of my mind.
  15. I’m passing. I rarely listen to the material that I have so I don’t see the need to add this one.
  16. Have to see what’s on it.
  17. One sold on eBay in April for $150 so go figure.
  18. On eBay, it’s an option in the filters. You can see completed items (which includes unsold) and sold items. The info on sold items doesn’t stay there forever, maybe three months. If you don’t keep an eye on it you can miss deals. Not that long ago I purchased the Woody Shaw for $50.
  19. The market has been soft for a very long time. I can’t speak to vinyl boxes but the Cole and the Ferguson boxes are the most expensive. Although already covered, when determining price (and this applies to anything), you need to look at prices paid, not prices asked; anybody can set a price as high as they wish. Realizing it is another story.
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