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Everything posted by Brad

  1. Yes, it’s live, from 1950.
  2. I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks so.
  3. Disc 1 of a three record set.
  4. Yes, it’s great. The only thing odd is the sequencing, going from newest to oldest.
  5. My parents had his albums when I was a kid and I played them a lot but it’s not something that appeals to me anymore.
  6. RIP to an icon.
  7. The Oticons have what is called a speaker; it’s right before the tip that goes in your ear. You need to change them every ten days or so as they get filled with wax but this doesn’t entail a visit to your audiologist or Costco or wherever and they are quite inexpensive.
  8. Different models I believe. If you go to an ophthalmologist he/she makes the prescription but doesn’t fill it. An audiologist does both. My guess is that they do both because it’s a profession that has less people than the eye business. More specialized perhaps?
  9. When I first got my new hearing aids she set them up for me and when I had a problem I returned and she adjusted them. No problems since then.
  10. Well, it didn’t work out. In every facet of the series LA was better.
  11. I’m hopeful but not overly optimistic that the Mets can take it to a game 7. Teams that are down 3-1 and need to win the last two on the road to win the series seldom do. It’s only happened seven or eight times in baseball since the 1950s. It’s been a fun ride nevertheless.
  12. Do you have the Oticon app on your devices. It allows you to make changes on several of the settings although my audiologist advised against doing that.
  13. I grabbed the LP one, not realizing there was a cd one. On the secondary market, as you probably know, the LP has sold at ridiculous prices.
  14. A few days ago.
  15. I’m sure that’s who it’s directed at. I think it has little appeal to people like us.
  16. Yes, it’s a reissue. Afro Harping has been reissued in a deluxe edition, both in LP and CD. Here is the Amazon link to the cd. Afro Harping
  17. The new Dorothy Ashby record.
  18. My old ones had a music mode which I didn’t use. My new Oticon ones are great. No complaints.
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