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Everything posted by Brad

  1. He’s neither a positive nor a negative. Sonically, this is the weakest part of the recording.
  2. Listened to disc 1. Primo Sonny.
  3. I’m not a huge fan of Ambrose. I would go with Hastings’ Inferno. As far as the run up to WWII there is nothing specifically for that comes to mind. From a British perspective I like Lynne Olson’s Troublesome Young Men, about how Churchill came to be selected as PM. There is also Tim Bouverie’s Appeasing Hitler: Chamberlain, Churchill and the Road to War. From a German perspective Richard Evans’ The Coming of the Third Reich is fascinating. Have you read William Shirer’s The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Read it years ago. Worth a read.
  4. I assume you’re referring to the Sam Records ORTF recordings. If so, no CD or Digital is planned.
  5. I always like a good trip while flying on the ground.
  6. Maybe this is me and I’ve only listened to one of the CDs so far but this seems more like the George Coleman show more than Shirley Scott; I’m not sure it’s the best pairing.
  7. I was born five years after WW II ended so in a weird sort of way it has always felt like recent history. Have you considered Rick Atkinson’s Liberation Trilogy. They’re quite good. If you’re interested in D Day I can make some recommendations. There are a lot of general histories about the war. I like Max Hasting’s books. Antony Beevor’s books are also terrific. From a visual point of view have you seen HBO’s Band of Brothers. That gives you a great feel. I usually watch it once a year.
  8. I joined Mastodon but didn’t like how it was set up, which is accurately described in the article, so I haven’t been back. I still prefer Twitter.
  9. Someone on Hoffman wrote that they’re used to rough sound (lo fi, as he called it) but to him this was no fi.
  10. That makes two of us.
  11. When were you last there? It’s probably a year since my last visit.
  12. Paul Butterfield Blues Band East West I’m Cutting Out - Mike Bloomfield The Live Adventures of Mike Bloomfield and Al Kooper. Incredible album. Canned Heat (their first album) CH was steeped in the blues. Alan “Blind Owl” Wilson was something else. Their Woodstock performance was eye opening.
  13. Just finished this.
  14. I think they still have the dollar bins at Princeton.
  15. Brad

    RSD Releases

    Actually, I think it did, at least in my area.
  16. There are a few, but not many, copies on eBay at varying prices. 1800 were made.
  17. I’ve been looking online and this one seems sold out everywhere. A hard one to find.
  18. Brad

    RSD Releases

    This store has the Ayler at 114. However, purchasing for non North Carolina residents is not available until this evening. https://lunchboxrecords.com/collections/rsd-drops
  19. Brad

    RSD Releases

    A lot of places seem to have the Ayler set after checking online. The people at Hoffman have posted a few sites that are selling their RSD material online. I can’t speak for other stores but the record shop in Summit NJ was very crowded yesterday. The wait lines were very long. It seems that after three years due to Covid, the crowds are back at RSD.
  20. Listened to it but doesn’t work for me.
  21. From what I see on Discogs it looks like he does both. I can’t imagine a JM record with vocals.
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