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Everything posted by Brad

  1. That gets to the heart of this thread. You don’t like what Mosaic is issuing so you’re going to complain. That’s in a nutshell. Other companies are out there doing things that probably appeal to you, such as the Dorothy Ashby set (which you noted). A company — any company — can’t be all things to all people. That’s why we buy things from different merchants. To paraphrase a line from Hemingway’s Hills Like White Elephants, would you please please please please please please please stop.
  2. Succession. It will be a shame when it’s over.
  3. Condolences Kevin. As we get older we all have to be careful that we maintain our balance.
  4. Just finished the sequel to Olive Kitteridge. These two books are some of the most rewarding reading experiences I’ve had lately.
  5. I can’t believe this silly thread is still going on.
  6. I subscribe to JazzWax, Lewis Porter and Mosaic. On YouTube, nothing really. I look at Jazz Video Guy, Blue Note and Jazz Bums occasionally.
  7. A year or so ago I asked about LPs and they said they’re not returning to that format, principally for the reason Lon mentioned.
  8. If almost nobody is buying CDs, why did the first run of the JATP sell out. If Mosaic were to do a Shirley Scott set, I’m sure it would do just fine. Mosaic is doing fine; they are regularly issuing sets, maybe not as much as before, but they are still issuing them. I don’t get it either but it seems to be a popular thing to do and not just here. 👍
  9. I haven’t done a whole lot of reading on the Pacific Theatre as I always found the European front more fascinating but Ronald Spector’s Eagle Against the Sun is very good. He has a new one out called A Continent Erupts about the post 1945 period in Asia that is supposed to be excellent. There have been some studies done about the PTSD that CW veterans suffered but can’t remember the books.
  10. He died today in a Toronto hospital. He was 84. One of the greats. Gordon Lightfoot, Canadian Folk Singer, Dies at 84 RIP
  11. There is nothing in the booklet about it which, by the way, is a very nice booklet. Bob Blumenthal says that, apart from playing Stella on the varitone, this is the only time he played it on tenor.
  12. Did I miss where they were sold. I know Mosaic Images was sold to UMG but that was a different business. That they license music from other companies may limit their ability to offer digital download options.
  13. I heard it in the out choruses too. Weird. No, he’s not using that.
  14. I heard it at the beginning. Is it possible it’s a tape issue.
  15. I can’t speak for the Tristano set as i didn’t purchase it but I personally liked the Savory set. We all like different things so not everything will appeal to all. I’m not in the music business or privy to Mosaic’s thinking, business model or backing but I think the days when Mosaic could take a risk — “bet the company” — are in the past. While I would personally purchase a set from a woman instrumentalist, especially someone like Shirley Scott or Mary Lou Williams, they may feel that the reward is not the risk, but, of course, that’s all speculation.
  16. They have a relationship with Craft and UMG so maybe they could do something with Prestige, Impulse and Cadet unless Craft decides it would rather hang onto the Prestiges.
  17. I wonder how many female customers they have (and I exclude women buying for spouses or partners). Have you been paying attention about “music that have already been released several times”? In the past few years they have released The Savory Collection, Tristano, B & W and JATP. Yes, they have released a couple of sets of previously released music like Henderson and Hubbard but BN is not really in the cd release business anymore so I’m glad they’re doing it. They have to carefully evaluate what will sell and what will not. While it would be nice if they could make our personal favorites, financially that’s not necessarily possible.
  18. It’s outstanding. Mendelsohn relates at the beginning of the book how when he was a kid, he’d visit his relatives in Miami and they would wail about his resemblance to his Uncle.
  19. The other one that I remember is Monk’s Les Liaisons Dangereuses.
  20. @Matthew One other thought. I don’t know how you feel about reading about the Holocaust. As I had a few distant relatives on my Mother’s side who died in the camps, I find it difficult to read about; I had Martin Gilbert’s book The Holocaust but found it a tough read and sold it. However, Daniel Mendelsohn wrote a book called The Lost: A Search for Six out of the Six Million that is absolutely fantastic. Mendelson has a resemblance to his Uncle who died in the Holocaust and he decided he wanted to find out what happened to his Uncle, Aunt and their four daughters. It reads like a detective novel as he figures out what happens. It gives you a look into the Holocaust without being a litany of deaths.
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