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Everything posted by Brad

  1. New Riders of the Purple Sage.
  2. They improved over time, particularly in the quality of appearance. I think the writing got better too.
  3. RIP. I can’t say I was a huge fan but did enjoy some of his music. He left the life he sang about a king time ago.
  4. I have this record (not the cd) and I think it’s fantastic. I think you’ll enjoy it. The only negative for me and it’s minor is that my copy is badly warped so I miss part of the first song on side 1.
  5. Incredible book. The author, who was born before the Spanish Civil War and brought up in the US, is the son of Spanish writer Ramon Sender, who would never discuss with him nor his sister (nor would his Spanish relatives) what happened to his mother. After his father died in 1982, he decided to find out and this book is about the search, his mother (who was executed by the fascists in the first few months of the War) and the War itself. It’s only 190 pages but a deeply moving book.
  6. SteepleChase has released a Count Basie concert. Marc Myers had a post about it earlier this week Count Basie: Copenhagen 1962
  7. I thought it was a very good article. I exchanged a couple of emails with the writer, Sam Stephenson, who told me that a couple of chapters in his book, Gene Smith’s Sink, are devoted to Clark and that from time to time he thinks about writing a book about Sonny Clark as he has a lot of information about him.
  8. Disc 3, The Sonny Clark Trio.
  9. Yes, Rubiales. He sort of apologized today.
  10. It was a great match. The Spanish were dominant in the first half but hung on. The head of the Spanish federation somewhat ruined the celebration bu kissing Jenni Hermoso during the medal ceremony. Some have called for his resignation and he probably should. Just not acceptable.
  11. Finishing up the Morse series. Up to season eight. Will miss it when it’s done.
  12. They’ve never included original liner notes. Could be a copyright issue.
  13. I have about 2,000 CDs and a couple of hundred records. If you count YouTube and XM Radio I stream but to me streaming means listening to services like Qobuz or Tidal and I don’t do that. I have a limited amount of space so if I buy more CDs, I have to get rid of some. It’s a slow process because buyers have a lot of sellers to choose from but it’s getting there. I have also sold off some records but that, too, takes time for the same reasons.
  14. @Rabshakeh Their involvement with helping to eliminate the Jewish population is notorious, to put it lightly, but that’s in the past I once had the pleasure of helping out a Lithuanian with some immigration problems. She was a “friend” of my boss and she was quite a character and one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever met. She wanted to become a citizen so we entered her into the immigration lottery, which unexpectedly she won, and eventually she got her green card and became a citizen.
  15. Lithuania, which centuries ago was once a great power, lost most of its territory to Russia in the late 1700s. It regained independence after WWI but then was taken over by the Nazis and then the USSR until the breakup of the USSR in 1990.
  16. I received an email about the changes. I haven’t been looking at the magazine a lot so I’m cancelling my membership.
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