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Everything posted by Brad

  1. That makes sense. There is no need to have two websites. One thing I’d like to see in the Vandy one (which I don’t right now unless I’m not using it correctly) is to have the option to have it in chronological order but that’s a minor complaint.
  2. Great news indeed. Thanks. I wonder if his website will continue.
  3. I’m afraid that in 100 years everyone participating in this discussion will be taking the proverbial dirt nap.
  4. That is quite true. Rhapsody is so different than anything else.
  5. I posted the article at SHF and it seems to have raised strong reactions. I used to listen to Gershwin as a kid and used to love his compositions but have barely listened since then, except when I board a United flight. I’ve never considered it jazz although GG may have been influenced by jazz. It’s no fault of GG I suppose but I consider it pop.
  6. Maybe because I’m an organ enthusiast I have a hard time believing that anything by Baby Face won’t sell, especially because he recorded so few sessions.
  7. RIP.
  8. I echo Kevin’s sentiments Larry. Hope you never have to go back there.
  9. Scott Norwood is in the house.
  10. Had me on the edge of my seat. 49ers will need to play better to get to the SB. However, Deebo’s status is uncertain and they won’t get there without him.
  11. Brad

    Marlena Shaw

  12. Hope you’re getting better. Sounds like someone placed you in a facility against your will.
  13. Billy Harper at Smoke last night.
  14. Going through the list now and I know I’m jumping ahead but wondering if you have any Billy Harper CDs or LPs you wish to sell.
  15. Unfortunately it became an anachronism.
  16. A couple of observations. I suffer from tinnitus. I’ve had it for 20 years. As @Ken Dryden more or less said, once you’ve got it, you’ve got it. It doesn’t go away. When I first found out I had it, I wanted to take the pipe as there was little relief from it and I couldn’t sleep. However, my boss told me that his father, who had served in the artillery duting WW II contracted it but over time it became background noise. That helped and that has been what’s happened with me. If you don’t concentrate it on so much — easier said than done — you will be fine. I’ve had hearing aids since 2017 (Oticons) and they’ve made all the difference. I recently replaced them because the technology has improved. Luckily insurance paid about 60% of the price but I still paid about $2000 out of pocket. The new ones allow you to stream to your TV, which is helpful, and adjust to crowd settings so you can hear what people are saying in crowded environments. I recommend going to an audiologist and getting them personally fitted because they will service what they sell. I know some places like Costco sell them. I’d avoid buying it from there. One of my doctors bought them from there and when he needed service he couldn’t get it. He wound up going to an audiologist and getting a new pair.
  17. There will be many more Yankee fans who can look forward to being blocked by him on social media.
  18. So far unavailable from Amazon but looks to be now available from a few other retailers.
  19. So far only available for pre-order from Craft. Could change but right now that’s the situation.
  20. This is being reissued on March 15 in vinyl by Craft’s Jazz Dispensary imprint. Looks to be available only from Craft. Power to the People
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