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    Music, Hot cars, Fire arms, Humor, Exercise

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  1. I can hold my with these misfires, if you get the opportunity check out Anita sings the winners, she wrote the book on scat. By way I was at Newport on that summers day, I have heard so much good jazz in my lifetime,I feel blessed, no one left to listen with, all passed away, sorry but my wife does not share my passion for this venue.      Regards, brewski.......

  2. Last time I checked It was sold out.
  3. Anita could scat better than any female singer that I have ever heard. Try " Sings the winners" Don't sweat the things that are petty, and don't pet the things that are sweaty. Felser Rules !!! To continue, if I am senile I think my posts have influenced some of above members.
  4. Sorry about the spelling, I am sorry if I offended some of the members. Just thought it would entertaining to start this topic, you listed a bunch of singers that I never heard of. I intend to investigate them. I will thoroughly check any topic that I might want to start from now on.
  5. I would to list my top picks: Anita Oday (the best) Sarah Vaughn,Carmen Mccray, Sue Raney, Chris Conner, June Christy, Joanie Sommers, Dianne Ware, I'm sure I missed some, but I grew up with these Girls.
  6. signature with my blogs

  7. leave a signature with my blogs

  8. These Guys have blowing my mind for years, just heard a new one "Milestones" it is friggen unbelievable !
  9. Thanks to all,now this old man has some people to commiserate with.
  10. UH OH ! we all missed one, "BIRD" Lenny Niehaus,Ron Carter, John Guerin,Ray Brown. One more to thank Clint Eastwood for !
  11. brewski

    Chet Baker.

    I hope that everyone has viewed the movie depicting Baker, " BORN TO BE BLUE" I bought a copy on Amazon,later found it was on YOU TUBE free. I thought that the star, Ethan Hawke did a good job as Baker. As previously stated,no one had the tone of his horn, rest in peace Chet. By the way I have 8 of his albums, if anyone desires I can list them.
  12. brewski

    Chet Baker.

    Story about Chet, Once on a gig in Italy Chet was to perform with Benito Mousilini,s son who played sax,Well Chet must have been operating with a head full of smoke,as he strolled across the stage,embraced Mouso Jr and said " Gee man, sorry about your dad"
  14. brewski

    Chet Baker.

    Anyone heard the collaboration , with Chet and Stan Getz ? good shit !
  15. Genius is in the ear of the person listening, could he hit a higher note than Maynard, was he more lyrical than Desmond,was he smoother than Getz,one could on forever, it all ends in the ear and the person that is listening.
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