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Everything posted by OliverM

  1. Very sad to read this. RIP
  2. You're very right about expectations interfering with the listening. I get the idea of recalibrating because it is still very enjoyable music.
  3. Elvin Jones CD 5 - a little bit less of my liking than the beginning of the box
  4. Great show last year in Paris, and looking forward to this again. Amazing concept (the repertoire and the changing of the musicians every night).
  5. Yes, and thank you! A little crowded with boxes right now but having the music to enjoy in the long term is great!
  6. Don Pullen - Evidence of Things Unseen
  7. Happy birthday!
  8. Great show on BBC 4 today: Un-forgetting Julius Eastman presented by vocalist Elaine Mitchener with interviews of Mary Jane Leach and George Lewis https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000112x
  9. "Que reste-t-il de nos amours?" or "I wish I loved" (probably what Thom meant) which was indeed recorded by Getz/Barron in those sessions. Don't know the players here though. Quick general listen. Curious about that prog track on n°7 and the piano player. n°6 has a bit of the "My favorite things" rythm to it though obviously not that track
  10. Excellent, thanks. Will compare this with the liner notes reproduced in Living With Jazz.
  11. Up to CD6 on the Capitol, magical!
  12. Cds 1 & 2; fantastic Jimmy Garrison
  13. Yes, it almost feels like too many good things at a time. Unlike many of you, I didn't have the possibility to discover them as they came, but will now try to slowly catch up.
  14. Sampling Capitol, June Christy and Thad Jones Blue Note sets (1st CD of each) on a French holiday morning. I recently was invested of a large collection of boxes for a very reasonable sum from a family that wasn't using it very much so there will be lots of playing in the months to come.
  15. That was great to read, especially the Stravinsky and Stan Kenton parts. Looking forward to listen to the recording too.
  16. Feldman/ Courvoisier/ Parker/ Mori - Miller's Tale At Dynamo, Pantin
  17. I really appreciate that record too. From what I heard, Grimal has been giving lots of concerts, some of the music of Moondog and has at least two new records to come out this year or the next one. She is also part of the current ONJ lineup. One of the last time I caught her live was with trio Grimal/ Veras/ Dumoulin and really excellent. Seeing Evan Parker tonight - not really new generation, but a great tenor player, at least since that 1995 Okkadisk release (Chicago solo).
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