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Everything posted by OliverM

  1. Come to Paris in November and you can check that relationship live! (coronavirus permits): https://www.letriton.com/programmation/collignon-portal-sclavis-2518
  2. Sad. Saw him at a festival about two years ago with Tusques, Juanpera and Parle (As on Le chant du jujub).
  3. This is sad and unexpected (didn't know he was sick). He also looked younger than his age. Saw him twice in recent years in solo configuration. A fascinating player and a unique path.
  4. I asked the same question and received this reply from Jorge on June 11th: Well the truth is that we are waiting for this box set, since long time ago. They ran out of it, and they are now reprinting more. This is why we are still waiting. But, we are doing everything we can to get it. Actually if we have any luck, we will have it here in a couple of weeks. We will announce it!
  5. Very sad. Fascinating artist spanning wide. Among other recent recordings, L'étau. Choses clandestines is an excellent studio and live date from 2013 with Michel Pilz, Paul Rogers and Jean-Noël Cognard. Will be revisiting his music.
  6. Albert Mangelsdorff - Trombirds - MPS
  7. Bill Dixon - November 1981 - Soul Note
  8. These Bandcamp initiatives are very welcome, rare in these times for a music platform to do. Please post what you decide to get during these 24hrs.
  9. It appears to be available right now
  10. Strong support from Europe to all of you involved in this movement, hopefully it will bring positive elements.
  11. Rega Brio or Brio R is an amp I really enjoy with a really good value.
  12. Company 6 & 7, Incus, 1977
  13. Exactly, and a great box set!
  14. RIP. ESP is having his 1964 quartet record on "pay what you will" for download in memoriam: https://giuseppilogan.bandcamp.com/album/the-giuseppi-logan-quartet
  15. Terrible succession of music giants leaving. Grimes was so unique and fascinating (almost literally, his bow playing so luminous) .
  16. Such a life, such a recording career! RIP
  17. Ella Fitzgerald - Whisper not (esp. "Why did we listen when they said it wouldn't last" and "Whispers of trouble are an echo of the past") Billie Holiday - Everything happens to me ("I never miss a thing/ I've had the measles and the mumps" [...] "I've mortgaged all my castles in the air") Ornette Coleman - Lonely woman Cecil Taylor, Corona (FMP archive edition)
  18. As you are in Paris, if you read French, a book that I have which is quite advanced but that takes everything from the basics is Jacques Siron's La Partition intérieure: http://www.siron.name/livres_PI.html It has many examples in jazz and improvisation and is complete yet accessible.
  19. A lot of records in that box it seems, happy listening!
  20. Borrowed from the library a week or so before the big closure. 3CDs are very varied (geographically and in time) with often interesting selections, as could be expected from Tercinet.
  21. This comparatively recent (2011) Ocora 2CD set is excellent and has gotten a lot of play here: Bénin, Musiques yoruba. Les voix de la mémoire. The music was recorded between 1958 and 2009.
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