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Everything posted by OliverM

  1. I only stream during holidays and/or for exploring new music, but always go back to a physical format when I enjoy the music. I don't have a DAC for streaming so sonic difference is huge because of that.
  2. Sharing the love for Jaki Byard expressed here. My 'opening' for the evening is: 1970, at the Centre culturel américain in Paris
  3. I hadn't heard of Ives' songs and have loved everything I have heard from this composer so this will be great to explore.
  4. Thanks for the music clips and for reminding me that I have to get this set. James P Johnson is being processed so this will be the next one. I didn't realize there was so much diversity on this set, all behind such a legendary label.
  5. From the Charles Munch box. Compelling music.
  6. Very admirative this morning while listening to:
  7. Charlesp and Larry Kart have spoken well about what they represent for many of us. My reaction was mainly because I believe they deserved more respect. Why so much agressivity towards them and for what seems to me as so little (you could have waited much longer for some of their music had they not been there)? They might not be the most efficient business model, but do we have enough information to judge this? And in the end what counts more to me is the relationship to the music, the way they produce and edit it. Sameways, when I place an order from Emanem, Incus or Futura (to mention even smaller businesses), this doesn't feel like a capitalistic relationship but a direct link between people who put out great music they love and listeners.
  8. I also don't understand these critical attitudes and all the "market logic" and "customer" talk. They are people in a small to very small business and everybody agrees on the importance of what they have put out. I believe one should recognize that and let them the time to think things over adjust and adapt in the best way for them and the rest of us.
  9. Maybe the recent 2CD comp on Frémeaux has some of those tracks on disc 2: https://www.fremeaux.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&category_id=64&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id=1697&option=com_virtuemart
  10. Absolutely! Also good story about the English drummer on disc 2 in the liner notes.
  11. According to Jean-Jacques Birgé (see link below in French, picture from there) who was involved in the record, Nato is to release in the fall an album of unreleased tracks featuring Jacques Thollot and one taken from the concert given at the Java after his passing. Very excited to see this! Even if you don't read French, you can have a look at the musicians involved here: https://blogs.mediapart.fr/jean-jacques-birge/blog/100717/thollot-extenso
  12. De rien! Philippe Robert is working on a volume 2 to come out in 2018, and will probably bridge a few gaps, the most obvious being no women in vol. 1.
  13. Pierre Mariétan - Rose des vents
  14. I would say the situation is mixed here in Paris. I'm 31 and have been going on a regular basis to jazz related concerts for five years, much less regularly before where I used to see more live rock. Some very commited older jazz fans always get the front seats and rarely miss a single concert for big names in free improvisation. But there is also generally a group of 20-30 year old people that come later and stands or sits behind, who might be less knowledgeable about the music's history but who enjoy it just as much. Some of them are musicians, others come also to hang out. The prices are more than reasonable for younger audiences, generally from 5 to 15 euros per concert. At one time, groups like Sonic Youth had an influence in bringing a part of their audience to jazz and there came a lot of dedicated fans out of that stream. I agree though that the conservative aspect of some jazz halls and current traditions can have a repelling effect, it is also the most visible part for people who have only a vague idea of the dynamics of the music. I started going to concerts when I discovered places like the Instants chavirés and stopped thinking that jazz was at the rue des Lombards to give a parisian example.
  15. I went to the Whitney Biennal during my visit to NYC in May and confirm it was some of his new music. One can read about it here: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/13/arts/music/kamasi-washington-whitney-biennial-harmony-of-difference.html It was fun to have a dark room with jazz being played in the midst of what was mainly visual art.
  16. Very sad to read.
  17. Cecil Taylor Unit - Akisakila
  18. Steve Lacy - Sortie Quartet with Enrico Rava, Kent Carter and Aldo Romano, 1966
  19. Mingus - Debut rarities vol. 3
  20. Wadada Leo Smith - Kabell Years 1971-1979 Disc One
  21. Ordered and waiting for this one! Sound excerpts are excellent.
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