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Everything posted by OliverM

  1. Just came back from a series of concerts at concert venue Le Triton near Paris for its 25th anniversary. Lots of music, between 2 pm and midnight, starting at 2 with Magma. Apart from them, in a packed room and upclose, great seeing Simon Goubert/ Sophia Domancich/ John Greaves / Christophe Monniot and also in various formations Louis Sclavis, Henri Texier, Daniel Humair among others... Couldn't stay the whole evening unfortunately.
  2. RIP Very nicely written obituary in Le Monde, in French, for those who can access it, by Francis Marmande: https://www.lemonde.fr/disparitions/article/2025/01/02/mort-de-barre-phillips-passeur-de-contrebasse_6478722_3382.html
  3. Steve Lacy & Cie - The Owl, Saravah
  4. Tonight at Atelier du Plateau in northern Paris, the improvised trio of Christiane Bopp (tbn), Benjamin Duboc (db) and Alexandra Grimal (sax).
  5. Open only Fridays and Saturdays indeed, but as a non-profit label, it's already great to see all that they do happening. I've been living in this area (and used to be in the exact same street) for 15 years now so lucky to be able to stop by the shop quite often. Coming back to the recent release, it's a real treat for Mal lovers (and I count as one)!
  6. Nice review Pim! Just picked up the record at the store (and had a chat with one of Fred's friends who is a big Mal Waldron fan) during the week-end and really looking forward to first listen! I have been listening to the Resonance double CD with Steve Lacy lately and it's a great release.
  7. So this seems to be coming soon now, and is a trio with Jean-François Catoire and Christian Vander. Really looking forward to this! https://samrecords.fr/produit/mal-waldron-rat-now-paris-70/
  8. Agree on greatness. The open-air museum Chillida-Leku in Hernani outside from San Sebastian is outstanding.
  9. Chillida and the arts, 1950-1970, Museo San Telmo, San Sebastian A conversation: Chillida and the arts. 1950-1970 - Museo San Telmo (santelmomuseoa.eus) Recommended if you are in the area!
  10. Je me souviens [I remember], Georges Perec, 1978
  11. Not so much time for listening lately and this is fantastic this morning.
  12. Very sad to read about Bill's passing. I too have some of his CDs and will play them. Very friendly interactions.
  13. I didn't ask too many details, keeping some elements of surprise, so not sure. But I think it is a quartet date, and like often with Sam records was recorded in Paris. Maybe @Pim could make an educated guess based on this?
  14. Yes! This should be excellent. Around the period of the Free At Last record. Also heard about a Django Reinhardt 1953 record (The Great Artistry of ~) that would be in the Artisan series.
  15. Looking forward to seeing the Robert Ryman exhibit in Paris (Musée de l'Orangerie), this coming Sunday or next week. It's called "Le regard en actes" (more or less the view in action). First large scale exhibit of the artist in France since 1981.
  16. Enjoying this greatly, as well as the Heath brothers live record. Also like getting these directly at Fred's shop in my area and having a chat. Nice upcoming records too from what I hear!
  17. Great disk! So many highlights in this set!
  18. Watching the live stream at Oto right now (McPhee - Adasiewicz duo). Wish I could be there.
  19. CD1, loud, to start the year of the dragon!
  20. It did for me (first JSP set), such great music and pretty good sound for music recorded 90 years ago.
  21. Interesting listen, thanks for pointing it out!
  22. Welcome back! Always appreciated Mr Kart’s writing and music recommendations.
  23. Would love to see him again. Had tickets for a show in Paris that was eventually cancelled about a year and a half ago.
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