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Chris, I don't have time to discuss this with you. If you'll notice, I've only been responding to the stuff I need to. In hopes that people will come to their senses before I'm forced to do what I have to. I have no quarrel with the band, other than the fact they seem to think anything is permissible on their message boards, even when it breaks laws. Now people are getting hateful towards Christians here. I have plenty of proof logged, & I've matched up a few IP's & e-mails.. Sooo... we'll let the law figure it out if need be. I don't have all day to discuss it with you. I'll be wasting enough of my valuable time if certain individuals force me to make a legal example out of them. I may not necessarily win, but it won't be fun for them. Again, if it were me, I would have locked this thread & deleted it long ago, considering the potential civil rights violations here, Not up to me. Up to the band now.
Africa Brass, Just in case you are a Christian. I'll give you the courtesy of an explaination. First off, I wasn't the one who brought religious views into this. One of the trolls from this board did. See below: "Hard core Christian Fundamentalists on flame with lite pop music, empowered with rights to censor. Watch out. And no, they can't take a joke. Too *#$%*?! stupid and unable to think for themselves." Ok, that was posted before you heard a word from anyone at NJI. Now if you think I'm going to allow people like this to come over & make more work for me all night, I'm sorry, but you need to think about it again. I'm running out of patience with this site. It is now bordering on violating my civil rights as a Christian. I'm thinking about having it shut down completely on that basis alone, because the moderators refuse to respect anyone's beliefs. This is No longer a norahjones.info issue now. I'm thinking this is getting personal, so maybe the dept of Justice would like to see some of the hate speech that's going on here? Keep it up boys. I got all day for the next month to deal with it. If the band don't care about us, why would we be worried about their fate? I wasn't making threats. I don't do threats, I always follow through when people attack me or my beliefs. I just do it under the law. So, if you want to keep playing big shot with me.. That's your choice. My religion is Christian. & you are now personally offending me, & others. I'm recording all of this, because If I need to go to the DOJ with it, I will. AfricanBrass? Also I'd like to address the comment you made about me "Blacklisting" the band. Do you think I have the power to single handedly turn the music industry against them? Or are you a bit afraid that just having people come here & look at all these postings would be enough to do it? Cause that is all I PROMISED to do if this doesn't stop. I never THREATENED anyone. You all have more to lose than I do, so if you want to keep up the aggression, you'll indeed live with some consequences. I'll make no comments regarding YOUR Christianity or faith since I don't know YOU personally ABrass.. Too bad you didn't give me the same courtesy.
Swinnich, It's over when you guys decide it's over. I'll be watching the boards to see if "It's over." Look if you don't like the dung, then don't start slinging it. I told you, don't mistake "meekness" for "weakness". You leave us alone, I leave you & this site alone. Very simple. Joe, Thanks again for at least trying to more carefully consider our position. I'm not looking to cause you any trouble, but you have a moral responsibilty here, whether you see it or not. As I said before, free speech wasn't intended to be used as a way to attack others. Don't make me use mine to counter or defend our site. I'll be watching to see how people treat us in the future. So will others.
Meet me at the corner of Bigot St., and Cry Baby Avenue. I'll be the one wearing the "urban sombrero." Oh..., and bring a sense of humor. Catesta, This was actually pretty funny. I have a great sense of humor actually. I just don't think that what "some" people are doing here is funny. It's not even that we don't allow dissenting opinions on NJI we do. It's rather that most people with desenting opinions can't express them without being nasty. Example: "I don't think Norah's record is very good, there's not enough good material on it." Fine, that's a fair opinion. "I think Norah Jones sucks, & should be back waiting tables." Ya know what? That's a nasty, purpously hurtful way to stay your opinion. It's never going to be tolerated on our site. If you guys can't accept that, then just stay away.
If you are truly considering making good on your threat to slander the Organissimo forum, and by extension the band and our music, you are in danger of commiting the same type of heedless and vindictive act that you accuse our members of, and as you say, what comes around goes around. Joe Gloss Hey Joe, I feel bad for you actually.. See we don't have any of these type on our boards, because we do in fact ban them. I've been in this business a long time, & I can promise you that this isn't the type of press you want. You said I would be slandering? Well what if the article consisted of actual quotes from your message board members? How is that slander? Wouldn't it just be truth to say that we found these here? Like if I said: Hey, you know that really nice artist that nearly everyone in the industry loves? Check out what the members over at the organissimo site have to say about her? How is that slandering? I'm confused about this.. I'm afraid you are mis-enterpreting the law here. That would be free speech. Look bro. I asked politely that you only delete the posts that involved people clearly conspiring to come over to our boards & be complete trouble makers. That was too much to ask, so now I'm going to excersize my free speech. Whether you realize it or not YOU ARE somewhat responsible for the things that go on in this message board. If you have an entertainment attorney, just go ask him. If these guys wanna come over to our board, & do this stuff, & you don't even want to discourage it, well guess what? People are going to have a different opinion of the band than what you would like. I would be very glad to bury the hatchet over this, but for now, until people here give us some respect, I'll be looking for anything here that violates the Child internet protection act. You really should go read it. It includes foul language without having a warning for minors under 18. I think you might want to add that warning since you have a guy named Jim who uses explicit language. I bet you have a great band, I bet you guys in the band are even great guys. However you've created a hornets nest here, & you ain't spraying it down! So, the ball is your court. If people here stay away from flaming our boards, I'll stay away from exposing this website forum to the media for what it is. A haven for hate mongers.. (I do NOT include all of your members in this statement.) Thanks for at least addressing the issue Joe.
First, Thanks Jim.. Got it. No more time for you guys now. I'll leave you with this: Bluenote/EMI http://emicmg.com/ This is the new Christian Music Group about to open at EMI Blue Note/EMI Numerous Christian Labels/EMI Hmm.. It seems to me that that makes them related in way doesn't it? Kind of like a family huh? Families (at least normal ones) watch out for each other, & do whatever they can to be at peace with each other. They'll be on over to see some anti-Christian posts. They can decide for themselves if there are actually any real Bluenote fans here. Yeah 'Neon' is a nice guy. Always gives people the benefit of the doubt. Too bad some people take advantage. Oh & Jim.. Christians try to avoid using four letter (swear) words. Even non-Christians know this. I'm sorry you missed that in church bro.
Actually I am. They gave me the nick. Who are you know as in the music business??
Hard core Christian Fundamentalists on flame with lite pop music, empowered with rights to censor. Watch out. And no, they can't take a joke. Too *#$%*?! stupid and unable to think for themselves. dB Ok, Well since there ia at least one anti-Christian over here. I'd like to address him first & simply. (7/4) Yes, there are in fact a few Christian on the Mod team, I'm one of them. & yes we do see things different than many people, because we don't believe in supporting anarchist attitudes. The reason bulletin boards get shut down, is real simple. Nobody wants to deal with inconsiderate trouble makers, who set them up for liabilty on their message boards. Suggestion: Internet Child Protection act.. Go look that up. It's amazing how fast one's view on free speech/freedom gets twisted when it comes to letting Christians excersize their beliefs. That's cool though man. If you want to be that way, you'll eventually pay the price for being a biggot. As for the rest of you. I'm not going to worry about it, because what comes around goes around eventually. If you choose to keep dishing it, you will eventually get your due. I work in the music business, & also in IT, so I take names down all the time. Someone made a statement that a user complained to Norah's management about us. That may or may not be true, but if it is, we've heard nothing of it from them, except for praise. I talk to them almost weekly. I don't admin on NJ.info for my own benefit, nor am I elitist enough to think that there won't be any young & immature posts on our message board. It confuses me that any adult would expect to go to a message board & not find any thoughtless banter. That's what young fans do. Ed Swinnich, I wasn't implying that you were some kind of threat to children, just because you were in the same letter. I just think you have been acting like an ignorant trouble maker. Maybe at some point you can change my view. For now, I took great pleasure in banning all of you who came to cause trouble. If you would like to talk face to face about that at some point, that's cool. I'm not one to hide behind a computer, unlike others I've observed. I'm thinking that on one of the many music related web sites I'm involved in, I may even do a nice article on the front page, about how organissimo.org is a Haven for anti-Christian biggots, & adults who have no regard for internet edict. Let me tell you all a little story. Once upon a time there was an artist who won 8 Grammy's, which is an industry award (for those who "may" not have done their homework). See, that means that the INDUSTRY likes Norah. So, for those of you who are aspiring to be in the industry, you wouldn't want me pasting all over the internet that you are not only condescending towards Norah & others, but you are viscious about it. See, I have free speech too. I also have access to a whole lot of hits on the internet (over 5,000,000 per year in fact.) I've already started taking quotes down from each of you. My stories will contain nothing but the facts. You wanna make enemies in the music business? That's your call.. All I can tell you is that the choice is in your hands. You are at the proverbial crossroad. I'm a forgiving guy, but not a doormat.. If you'd like to put this behind both sites, come over & show common respect to people. It's not that we don't want you there, it's that you are a guest, & when you go into someone elses site, you follow their rules. If not, then I guess we can't be friends. ~Dan