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Everything posted by Tjazz

  1. I agree. Bad managing. (on the Red Sox side) When Clements was removed after 4 runs, I thought that was great managing. Musina got out of 2 jams later, that keep the score close. Yankees deserved to win. Boston was mis-managed.
  2. I saw a bunch of these at FRYS for $9.99 Several different artists. Does anybody know anything about these? A quick check at Deepdiscountcd.com shows they also sell them for $9.97 (free shipping/ no tax) Deepdiscount only lists 18 different artists, I think there were more available at FRYS.
  3. "I Wouldn't Live In New York City" Buck Owens "Cleveland Rocks" Ian Hunter B)
  4. I just got some CDs from Costco for $6. Reba McEntire - 20th Century Masters - Christmas (compilation of her 3 Christmas CDs) Olivia Newton-John : 20th Century Masters - Christmas (re-issue of her 2001 Christmas CD that was priced higher) Manhattan Transfer - Christmas CD (columbia Nice Price) I think these were all part of the Universal reduced pricing scheme. Costco also had some 3-packs of CDs for $18.99 Jethro Tull (3 different original titles; remastered with bonus cuts) Tina Turner Paul McCartney (Ram, McCartney, Tug of War) (can't remember all the other artists) Dylan box set (15) SACD/hybred $150
  5. Just got it in the mail from BMG. It's the 2003 remastered 2-CD vol. 1 set. I just need vol. 2, now. Hopefully, BMG will have that edition later.
  6. Costco $150.
  7. I love Dylan. But I already have all the LPs and all on CD. Just saw Costco was selling the box (15) for $150. If I see it for $100 used, I'll upgrade and get rid of the CDs/LPs.
  8. Go Marlins! Go Boston!
  9. Got me to look
  10. The article is a joke. We have computers now. DVDs, video games, cell phones and satelite TV. Who listens to radio?????? Radios are constantly changing their format, because they can't make any money. Talk radio seems to be king. Most kids watch MTV to hear their music. Kids don't want to buy CDs. (music) They want cell phones. Cars. Video games. Computers.
  11. Norah Jones fans: BMG has THE PETER MALICK GROUP featuring Norah Jones NEW YORK CITY.
  12. Elvis Costello sings and it was at the library, so I gave it a spin (and copy to cdr).
  13. Go Marlins! Go Boston!
  14. I have a couple of empty Mosaic black boxes. Anyone interested?
  15. The Blues show hasn't impressed me much. Tom Jones? Van Morrison? Beck? Anyway, I just picked up some Blues DVDs which I think are more to my taste; THE AMERICAN FOLK BLUES FESTIVAL 1962-1966 Vol. 1 & 2. (2 separate DVDs) Love them.
  16. The library had it, so I gave it a spin. Better than I thought. Not bad for a rock record. Probably alittle over-produced. But I'd give her a B.
  17. Go Marlins! Go Cubs! Go Twins! Go Boston!
  18. Lisa Marie Presley? Did anybody buy her CD? I can't believe it's selling.
  19. Go Marlins!
  20. Miles Davis - In Person Friday Night At The Blackhawk, Complete Listen Remastered, unedited '61 classic, w/4 bonus tracks. W/Hank Mobley, Wynton Kelly, Paul Chambers and Jimmy Cobb. Selection #: D2487668 Release Date: 1961 Label: Legacy Does anybody know if this is the latest remastered version?????
  21. I have vol. 1 and vol. 2 on laserdisc. Supposedly, it's going to be re-issued on DVD. (but some titles will be missing, while others are added) http://www.organissimo.org/forum/index.php...47&hl=one+night Just saw Vol. 2 & 4 on CD at the local store for $6 each. (I have the LP box set, so I passed)
  22. Available now: Jimmy Giuffre ; The Easy Way (VERVE) Gerry Mulligan Meets Johnny Hodges (VERVE) Jimmy RUshing FIVE FEET OF SOUL (remastered)
  23. The old Bob Dylan catalog should be priced at about $10/disc. This is old music.
  24. http://forums.allaboutjazz.com/forumdispla...hp?s=&forumid=1 It's back
  25. Maybe BEAR FAMILY will put out a complete Bob Dylan box set. A complete COLUMBIA set would probably only be about 10 (80 minute) CDs. Anyway, isn't the future going to be with MP3's of his entire catalog? Maybe all of his songs can be put on 2 CDRs in MP3 format?
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