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Everything posted by Tjazz

  1. I logged on to the account and the $4.99/no shipping offer is back. ($30 min) Guess it changes all the time. THe 4-cd Miles Blackhawk, Friday/Saturday night box set is selling for $19.99 I'll get the Heart LIVE IN SEATTLE (2). Don't have a SACD player, but I like Heart.
  2. If you have a DVD burner on your computer with software. You just need to hookup your VCR to your computer to input the video.
  3. With the $4.99 price tag, that just may happen! BMG also lists a EVERYTHING MUST GO with DVD too.
  4. These Dexter Gordon's sold for under $300 about two months ago. Then all three sold for under $100 last month.
  5. Tjazz, Can you figure out the promotion code for that one? No code. BMG changes their online deals constantly. Today the deal doesn't include free shipping. Also, another account had buy 1 get 2 free. Now it's buy 2, get 3 free. New CDs available: Heart - Live in Seatle Anne Lenox - Dare Steely Dan - EVERYTHING MUST GO
  6. Just got the following with no BMG label markings: Buffalo Springfield box set (4) Nina Simone box FOUR WOMEN (4) Charlie Pride ANTHOLOGY (2) Miles Davis LIVE IN PERSON FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE BLACKHAWK (2)
  7. One of my BMG accounts shows: All (single) CDs $4.99, free shipping after $30 total. Taxes apply.
  8. Some Ornette Coleman (RE) on columbia are available.
  9. Are these legit?? If I can get a domestic USA version with original cover, I'd pass on the Spanish versions.
  10. The problem with statistics: When a pass is thrown and the receiver misses it and tosses the ball in the air for the opposition to catch it. Receiver error is needed to be added to list of stats. That is not an interception. It's almost like a catch, fumble. (better stat) So the same goes with computer ratings, it all depends on the programmer. Dumb in dumb out.
  11. Do you know who's selling these imports?
  12. More CDs available: Miles Davis - Saturday Night In Person At the Blackhawk (2) remastered. (so you can get both Friday & Saturday double CD sets) Dexter Gordon : Our Man In Paris (RE) Horace Silver Trio (RE) Grant Green GRANDSTAND (re) Jessi Colter VERY BEST OF Rodney Crowell FATES More Chicago remasters available too. There's also a 60% free shipping L3P7 or L3PC good thru 12/6.
  13. Amoeba (Hollywood) had the DExter Box for $70
  14. New coupon: 60% off with no shipping "L3P1" 2 day sale, good thru 12/2/03
  15. I thought the woman was still holding the DVD box, as they picked her off the ground.
  16. Isn't Otis Redding listed 4 times too? (What's odd, is that one of Otis Redding's albums is an anthology)
  17. Yeah, I made a copy of the 1962-1966 set on 1 cdr.
  18. I have about 5 BMG accounts and only one of the accounts had the 2/3 off with free shipping over $30. The Mercury Blues box is not discounted because it's part of the clearance section.
  19. Walmart said they would save the lady a DVD player. There was only a small crowd at the Circuit city nearby. Several DVD players for $30. (I already have one for every TV) Told my neighbor to get a $30 DVD, but she said it was too much trouble. Now, she wants a plasma TV. Go figure?
  20. Yeah, I'm thinking of making a donation to Mosaic for; Duke Pearson SELECT Randy Weston SELECT and maybe the Roy Mosaic box. Isn't Mosaic a charity?
  21. I haven't tried making a cdr. But maybe that's why there are two discs. (since both discs would fit on one CD) Disc 2 is probably OK to copy.???
  22. Will you be listening / buying Jack Black's Tenacious D CD next? B)
  23. Let's see: Disc 1 - LET IT BE - NAKED is about 35 minutes Disc 2 - talk - is about 21 minutes Why are there two CDs? Stocking stuffers?
  24. Yep, (and there was no BMG label markings on that disc either) I'm a Waylon fan. (and collector) Hopefully, BMG will have the Dolly Parton JUST BECAUSE I'M A WOMAN re-issue soon too. Also would like to get those Willie Nelson remastered Sony CDs.
  25. I wanted to get a emachine at Best Buy for $300 (after rebates) and then add the $80 DVD-writer (after rebates). But I didn't get there till 7AM.
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