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Everything posted by Tjazz

  1. Usually a WANT list 8 1/2 x 11 prints.
  2. I thought the only exercise boardmembers here were doing is lifting CDs and LPs home to play.
  3. Only 78
  4. I think the article gets alittle obsessive. Hearing jazz over the radio and in an elevator... where's the jazz notes? Like others have mentioned, there are still books and if someone does downloading, they have online access to the information highway Most people don't take music so seriously. They just listen. It's background music. How many people like jazz? 3%
  5. I thought the Diana Krall duet sounded strange. Could be I don't know her latest sound, since I don't have her GIRL album yet. I have her other CDs, but her voice sounded different to me on this track. I enjoyed the album, but Ray's voice seemed alittle weak at times. But considering his health, I won't hold it against him. Thinking about the artists he had on duets with him, most were older, established individuals. (except for Norah Jones, but she has that older appeal) Was wondering if the so-called 'young' people would enjoy this CD?
  6. Doesn't sex and drugs go with music? Therefore, since this is a jazz board, there should be space for drugs and sex. B-)
  7. Hurricane season doesn't end till Nov. 2nd
  8. Trader Joe's already sells Two Buck Chuck.
  9. Sorry, link has been corrected. LA Weekly music article
  10. Any box set at 50% off is a bargain.
  11. LA Weekly music article
  12. OK, Cards and Yankees. But don't the Yankess have home court advantage because of the allstar game? Course, what is the format? 2/2/1/1/1 or 2/3/2? If it's 2/3/2 for the Yankees, I like the Cards chances of winning. If the format is 2/2/1/1/1, then I favor the Yankees.
  13. A former neighbor whom I had known for 20 years. I let him stay in my apartment while I was out of town, and he apparently made many trips past my doormen. I didn't know about his problem. BTW he also took about 100 DVDs, but none of my audio or computer equipment. How long have we known you?
  14. Glad to hear the good news.
  15. If I'm at a local used store, I ask them to HOLD a cd that might be in my collection. Then I can call them to release it or return later to buy it. (course, this method doesn't work when I'm on the road)
  16. What about promos?
  17. Will the Giants, Cubs, or Astros make the playoffs? Does it matter? Since Atlanta and St Louis are the teams to beat. Looks like the Yanks are in the World Series again.
  18. I don't know the actual dollar figures, but I assume the LP sales weren't that great. Going digital has probably sold alot more music and brought the industry alot more cash. Just think about how scared the movie industry was when the video recorder was introducted. I"m sure there are alot more sales in DVDs now that pump alot of dollars into the movie industry. Rentals also became a big seller for movies. Why can't people RENT music? Most music is pop, and for the moment. People would RENT it for today and move on to the next hit. The music industry is the similar to the movie industry. IMO. Just scared of change. LP production was more expensive than CDs, that's why the industry wanted to shift. They saved money, therefore, they made money. Back in the LP days, there were people who would make tapes and trade them to save a few bucks. There will always be people who don't want to buy music. Most people don't buy very many albums. PERIOD! What really sells? NEW STUFF. Just like the movie industry. NEW STUFF.
  19. Give your friend $25/CD.
  20. Sounds like McDonalds is promoting the Olsen twins. When I read your tread title, I thought the girls had actually spoken or endorsed McDonalds. But it looks like McDonalds is just using the Olsen products to help sell Happy Meals.
  21. Doesn't Tower Records give you 25% off anyway?
  22. I have a boot of SMILE. But I'm sure I'll pick the new release sometime.
  23. Is Ray Charles on the list?
  24. Tjazz

    proper reissues

    You could also have a poll on if you would buy stolen goods or not? Obviously, someone is buying HOT goods and counterfeit goods.
  25. I heard Dion Sanders is back. Did he do anything Sunday?
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