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Everything posted by Tjazz

  1. Good point. (do you think they could the booklet any smaller?)
  2. The HEAT win by at least 15. It's better if the Lakers don't make the playoffs. They need some draft picks.
  3. Isn't the Patricia Barber show $20? How much is the other show?
  4. I guess you really didn't want all those CDs ebay sale of Bill Evans box
  5. Usually the 60% off w/free shipping doesn't apply to multi-CD sets (3 or more). You can buy the Norman Granz (5-CD) box set from yourmusic.com for $25 or $30 w/free shipping.
  6. The sad part is that the shipping packaging was very bad. Luckily, the Mosaic Select arrived undamaged. The SELECT was shipped in a paper/cardboard type evelope. Approximately 12x12. Not a padded envelope or bubble envelop, but an almost a paper-thin (like firm board sheet). (not a box) I received an ordered earlier from them that was packed in a cardboard box. It contained 3 double size jewel cases and 2 more regular cds.
  7. Cool Thanks
  8. CDs arrived today (3/10/5). #01437 ($38.11 charged on credit card 3/3/5) Not as fast as direct from Mosaic, but the same product.
  9. The new Elton John SACD hybrids come in these jewel cases.
  10. You must have selected this Centennial Collection before yourmusic revised their website and priced the Centennial Collections @ $9.98. I placed a few 2-CD or CD/DVD combos that were priced at $4.99 into the queue and luckily, I'll be charged for a single, instead of double price.
  11. I'm NOT a fan of the E-Bay thing... I suspect I'm gonna get slammed for this... and I know you didn't ask my opinion... but why not DONATE them to a Public Library or a Community Arts non-profit... Hope I didn't offend....
  12. Did "disaac" ever get his box set?
  13. I played volleyball last night too! I emailed them thru ebay, inquiring if I could buy the box set. They gave me a 'form' email reply. 2/23/5 I got this email from Universal: We appreciate your interest in our online Store. The auction item you are interested in is currently closed due to an error in the listing, but be sure to check back soon for a re-listing. Please include the original message in all replies. Thank you for contacting us. Kurt Customer Support universalmusicstore@umusic.com Universal Music Store I guess it wasn't a good ideal to email them. Universal might not have noticed their price error.
  14. Are these metal box sets sold AS IS from Universal?
  15. Their website will show when they send your selections. They also send you an email. I've gotten everything - eventually. Only the Led Zep Complete box set, was delayed and canceled. But I re-ordered it and it was sent in a timely manner. No complaints from me.
  16. Steve's forum doesn't have very many hard-core jazz fans.
  17. The CDs (no box/booklet) are on ebay Ebay
  18. Does anybody have that big book they were talking about? WHAT'D I SAY? Looked interesting. (maybe my library has it?)
  19. Yeah, I see they are all priced at $40.11 now. (their prices change like airline quotes, so I check often)
  20. I played volleyball last night too! I emailed them thru ebay, inquiring if I could buy the box set. They gave me a 'form' email reply. 2/23/5 I got this email from Universal: We appreciate your interest in our online Store. The auction item you are interested in is currently closed due to an error in the listing, but be sure to check back soon for a re-listing. Please include the original message in all replies. Thank you for contacting us. Kurt Customer Support universalmusicstore@umusic.com Universal Music Store
  21. How about Rod Stewart's AMERICAN SONGBOOK (any volume)
  22. VH1 shop It's selling for $34.41 (free shipping). I'm interested. Does anyone have this set and enjoy it?
  23. Yeah, pass them to me and I'll convert them to DVD-R or DVD+R and return the VHS tapes and DVDs to you.
  24. New (on yourmusic.com too): RCA Centennials CD/DVD Duke Ellington, Artie Shaw, Benny Goodman, Coleman Hawkins ($9.98 yourmusic.com)
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