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Everything posted by Tjazz

  1. Reckless is selling it for $179.99 https://www.reckless.com/index.php?page=1&keywords=mosaic&format=&cond=&store=&is_search=true&srch=Search
  2. Any shoppers?
  3. Thanks for the list. Glad I can order these items without going to the Open House.
  4. Third party on Amazon selling the box set for $250 https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B001GUUU0S/ref=tmm_other_meta_binding_used_olp_sr?ie=UTF8&condition=used&qid=1508776540&sr=1-26 Ebay also https://www.ebay.com/sch/Records/176985/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=commodore+++mosaic
  5. Available from other third parties on Amazon for under $200. https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B00008FK10/ref=tmm_vnl_used_olp_sr?ie=UTF8&condition=used&qid=&sr=
  6. Found the set on Amazon thru a third party. So cheap, I'm embarrassed. The previous owner had a name sticker on every item in the box set. Looks like he bought it new from Mosaic in 1986. He also dated each record when he played it. Each record was played 4 times. (12/29/86, 2/13/88, 3/23/96, 7/17/00) John Conover, Cherry Hill, NJ. He passed away in May 2016 at 89. (googled) Found this old info online; BOXED SETS: POP MUSIC'S MELTING POT By ROBERT PALMER Published: October 12, 1986 FACEBOOK TWITTER GOOGLE+ EMAIL SHARE PRINT REPRINTS Boxed sets of recordings, containing from three disks to more than 20, are high-status items for the record business, its equivalent of the glossy coffee-table art book. For years now, these sets have been reserved primarily for classical music in the European tradition, with a smaller number of sets devoted to big bands, jazz and show tunes. But recently, more American music has been finding its way into lavishly packaged boxed sets. In fact, what used to be a small, uncertain trickle of boxed sets devoted to jazz, rock-and-roll, blues and other American idioms has suddenly swelled into a flood. The fall season has already seen the release of ''The Complete Keynote Collection'' (Polygram Classics 18PJ-1051-71), a 21-record box devoted to 1940's jazz; ''The Complete Riverside Recordings'' (Fantasy 5102-5123), a 22-record box of 1955-61 recordings by the composer-pianist Thelonious Monk; ''The Killer 1963-68'' (Bear Family BFX 15210), a 20-record set of mid-60's recordings by the rock and country singer-pianist Jerry Lee Lewis; ''The Voice - The Columbia Years 1943-1952'' (IM 40226-40230, six records or three cassettes), a collection of vintage Frank Sinatra performances; ''The Riverside History of Classic Jazz'' (Riverside RB-005), a five-record box surveying the roots and flowering of premodernist jazz; and new boxes from Mosaic, the limited-edition jazz label, collecting work by Chet Baker, Buddy De Franco, Art Hodes and Bud Powell. And it's still several months until Christmas! There's more going on here than a simple glut of fancily-packaged holiday baubles. Certainly, the steady sales of jazz, blues and vintage rock boxes through outlets like Tower Records, and by mail order from concerns like California's Down Home Music, have alerted American record labels to a demand for such products. Until very recently, foreign licensees of American labels have been supplying the more elaborate packages of this nature. In fact, of the new fall releases, ''The Complete Keynote Collection'' is being imported from Japan by Polygram Classics; Thelonious Monk's ''Complete Riverside Recordings'' originated in Japan; and the Jerry Lee Lewis box is on a German label, Bear Family, that has already released important boxed sets by country performers such as Lefty Frizzell, Bob Wills and Conway Twitty. In the past, American labels seemed to be willing to let foreign manufacturers supply what they perceived as a limited demand for such collections. But times, and tastes, are changing. Today's college student and graduate, a prime target for record company marketing, may have taken a history of jazz course, studied blues or rockabilly for academic credit, and listened to 50's rock and jazz on the campus radio station. The narrow, partisan jazz fan, who can't stand anything remotely connected with rock-and-roll, and the sneering rocker who lumps jazz in with other ''highbrow'' music, are no longer typical, if, indeed, they ever were. It is becoming more and more apparent that American music can't be subdivided as neatly as fans, and critics, used to think. There's more jazz in early rhythm-and-blues and rock than purists are willing to admit. Rock-and-roll, rockabilly and country music can be separated generationally, perhaps, but musically they blur into one another. The innovations of a jazz great like Thelonious Monk can't be adequately understood without a working knowledge of gospel music and blues. And so it goes. The melting-pot theory may be even more appropriate than one expected as a theory of American musical developments, and record releases are increasingly reflecting this understanding, boxed sets and all. ''The Complete Keynote Collection'' is easily the most important of the latest multirecord boxes, for several reasons. Under the direction of Harry Lim, Keynote recorded a plethora of significant jazz sessions between 1944 and 1947, a period of transition. A decade ago, many critics would have blithely divided these into categories like swing, Dixieland and be-bop. Now it's evident that Keynote sessions by Count Basie with Lester Young and by Dinah Washington with Lionel Hampton, can also be heard as prototypical rhythm-and-blues. Much of the music in the latter half of this set falls somewhere between swing and bop. And the spectacular debut session by Lennie Tristano comprised by the final disk in the set fits none of the conventional categories. What one calls the music isn't really important. The point is that much of it hasn't been widely available, and that out of 334 performances, 115 have never been previously issued. Nor are the new discoveries mere sidebars to the music's main events. We're talking about three top-drawer Lester Young performances that have never been heard before. And there are discoveries of comparable merit by Teddy Wilson, Coleman Hawkins, Johnny Hodges, Roy Eldridge, Earl Hines, Nat (King) Cole, Benny Carter (an entire unissued session) and many more. One can carp that the box enclosing ''The Complete Keynote Collection'' isn't as sturdy as it might be, and complain that some of the liner notes continue to follow a tiresome ''if it isn't jazz, it isn't any good'' line. But when all that has been said, ''The Complete Keynote Collection'' is still the most important jazz reissue of the year, and a much more substantial addition to the treasury of absolutely essential classic jazz performances than one could have expected or hoped for this late in the game.
  7. Do you have any interest in getting just the tray artwork and the outersleeve?
  8. I'm still looking for Jack Teagarden (Capitol) Disc#1. Any available?
  9. But the Chinese tend to just copy the CDs. Not exactly quality products. They have to spend money on the latest cellphone. I like to buy the Maynard Ferguson 10-CD box set for about $100.
  10. sold for $150 on ebay July 8, 2015 and june 2015
  11. Just bought the Commodore vol. 2 and found the Mosaic receipt inside from 12/31/1990. Bob Raggio was the buyer. $207 plus $12.50 shipping. (his credit card info is also priinted) I paid alittle less (25 years later). (info found online) Posted: Sunday, February 8, 2015 10:47 pm LAKE FOREST, Calif. — Ann Elizabeth Lesh Raggio, 71, of Lake Forest, Calif., died Thursday, Jan. 8, 2015. Born March 22, 1943, she was the daughter of Glenn and Martha Ann Lesh of Cochranton. Ann was a graduate of Cochranton High School’s class of 1961 and Oil City Nursing School’s class of 1964. She began her career at Presbyterian University Hospital in Pittsburgh. In 1970, after her marriage to Robert Raggio on Aug. 23, the couple moved to California where Ann continued her nursing career the next 38 years in various administrative positions in the Lake Forest area. Robert preceded her in death Jan. 3, 2004. Ann is survived by her twin sister, Mary Ketner and husband Michael of Pittsburgh; her sister, Peggy Koontz and husband Sid Welch of Medina, Ohio; nephew, Jeb Koontz and wife Tracy of Medina; niece, Molly Lesh Roark and husband John of Mt. Morris, Mich.; and four great-nephews, Liam and Hudson Koontz, Christian Kirk and J.J. Roark. In addition to her husband, she was preceded in death by her parents. There were no calling hours. A memorial service will be held in the spring or early summer. Memorials may be made to Cochranton Presbyterian Church, 109 Smith St., or to Cochranton Public Library, 107 W. Pine St., both of Cochranton, Pa. 16314.
  12. Let me know when the Maynard Ferguson sets sells for less than $200. (I want it!)
  13. Amoeba in Hollywood, CA has the box set for about $300. Give them a call.
  14. Austin City Limits is on the PBS channel. But they don't have that many full shows or keep them on very long.
  15. The 49/Seatle game ended like last year. (didn't they play last year too?) Last year, Russell Wilson had a chance to win the game with the last play of the game. They needed a touchdown. He scramble to the right and there was an open receiver in the end zone, Wilson was around the 5 yard line and tried to lob a pass over a 49er to the end zone. The 49er jumped up and knocked down the pass. That saved the game for the 49ers. This year, a Seatle player knocks the pass, saving a touchdown.
  16. About $100 http://www.amazon.com/Keynote-Jazz-Collection-1941-1947/dp/B00GTX9WSS/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1388081974&sr=1-1&keywords=keynote+jazz+collection Amazon.uk http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00GTX9WSS/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE
  17. Jazz At Perservation Hall is re-issued again on the Collectables Jazz label http://www.amazon.com/Jazz-Perservation-Hall-Pure-Blues/dp/B00000J27P/ref=sr_1_6?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1358642895&sr=1-6&keywords=george+lewis
  18. Sometimes it's easier to attract girls, if you already have a girlfriend.
  19. I wonder how a grocery store would feel, if I asked for 2 rolls of quarters, then put them in the coinstar machine. Can you do the Amazon $20 credit, multiple times?
  20. I just heard who he was engaged to... (now I understand the cause of death) Omarosa
  21. I only saw 1 Ellington quarter. Really only like the Miles stamp, not the other half.
  22. Going broke is hard work.
  23. checkout Popmarket.com Looks like I see the Miles Davis Forever LP ($19.11 w/Save10Now) http://www.popmarket.com/miles-davis-forever-miles/details/26789893 There are some other RSD items. Like Uncle Tupelo & Graceland LPs. Don't forget the coupon code : save10now
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