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connoisseur series500

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Everything posted by connoisseur series500

  1. price reductions. This stuff is cheap!
  2. just replied. I'll get it out in today's mail. Rest of the stuff goes on ebay if I don't hear from anyone else.
  3. Those were good times, Greg. I just got around to reading this thread. Randy told me tonight at his Toledo gig with Gibbs and Rangell about the breakup. Joe spoke to me about nursing school last time he was in Toledo,and I never knew how imminent it was. I am now a registered nurse and obtained it at the age of 50. Happy working my 36hrs/week in a local hospital. Joe will make a fine nurse. Love the job and love the hours. I shed a tear for Organissimo, but life is about change. Randy was simply awesome playing with Gerard Gibbs. There is a second and third life still ahead for all of you.
  4. saw Randy play with Gerard Gibbs and Nelson Rangell this evening in Toledo. Rangell didn't seem to fit and the music really kicked when he took his breaks. Well, I guess he had his moments, but Randy and Gibbs were absolutely natural together. Seemed as if they had been playing together for years. Really enjoyed the evening. Thanks Randy!
  5. Prices include shipping to US addresses. I am selling at a marked discount from amazon prices: Eumir Deodato, "The Bossa Nova Sessions vol 2. Italy import. $13 (Amazon price inc. shipping=$19.99) Shirley Scott Trio, "Like Cozy" $7 (Amazon $10.63) Harold Johnson Sextet, "House on Elm Street" Italy import $9 (Amazon doesn't have it.) Mosaic "Complete Capitol Fifties Jack Teagarden Sessions" discs II and III (incomplete set) $16 Shirley Scott, "Soul Song" and Yusef Lateef "The diverse Yusef Lateef" two lps on 1 cd by Collectibles jazz classics $8 (Amazon $11) paypal preferred. Send pm if interested. Thanks
  6. $9.00 postage paid to US addresses. paypal preferred.
  7. $13 shipping included. paypal preferred.
  8. I highly recommend this: Hathaway ,Donny – Live (Atco) $7
  9. Brazil import. front jewel case has a couple of cracks. Disc is in good shape. $12 postage paid. paypal best.
  10. What label is yours? This one is One Way Records. Did Blue Note ever issue this in cd form?
  11. No response on this one? It's heading to ebay this evening.
  12. Bonner played a large role in Salim Washington's wonderful cd "Love in Exile."
  13. Hard to find and I can offer it for less than Amazon or half.com, who both ask $40+ inc. shipping. $25 postage paid. cd is in excellent condition. Jewel case is scuffed. paypal pleeze! If the price is too high, tell me to go to Hell! I won't delete your post or ban you--promise!!
  14. I do not think that BM's posts deserved to be deleted. I have little interest in a forum where comments are monitored that closely. To me, our comments represent our personality and the way we think. What's wrong with that? As long as the comments don't lead to personal attacks, I don't see any merit in rubbing out comments. So let me get this straight: we are not allowed to point out whether an item is priced on the high side? Sheesh! How about being allowed to publicly point out if we are cheated by a member who offered an item? Or is that considered offensive and not worthy of publication? I say allow people to say what they want to say, as long as the comments don't reach ad hominem levels. I'd be personally disinclined to publicly quote pm's. For my part: if anyone finds any of the prices for my offered goods is too high, then feel free to post your opinion. My skin is thinker than an onion's. I wonder whether a moderator needs to spend any time at all in the "offering/looking for" section. More than any other section, that is "the people's" section.
  15. Good prices. Too bad I already own these.
  16. All fine, Jim. But my problem is that one of your moderators has closed...what? how many threads now within a short time span? I can count the Art Pepper, the one started by Jazzmoose, and two from Lowe (ok, Allen is a bit of a provacateur) Let's just say that the trend is rather disturbing. That's all. No need to get too worked up on your end either, and I know you don't have the time to worry about this board, but if moderators start routinely shutting down threads, perhaps someone has to monitor the monitor. Might be worthwhile to see if this trend continues. I think this suggestion is reasonable enough. I already explained earlier in this thread why I locked the Pepper sale thread (posts 4 and 6) and the thread that Jazzmoose started (post 13). Well, I think you are too quick on the trigger, Hans. But that's my opinon, and you know what? I don't have the responsibility that you have. As moderator you have to spend a good amount of time checking out the board, so I'm shutting up on this subject. I'll credit you with that. You are man enough to take the job. It's a lot easier to criticise than it is to actually perform a job. So with that, I'm done with the issue. Hopefully, we are all learning from these discussions.
  17. All fine, Jim. But my problem is that one of your moderators has closed...what? how many threads now within a short time span? I can count the Art Pepper, the one started by Jazzmoose, and two from Lowe (ok, Allen is a bit of a provacateur) Let's just say that the trend is rather disturbing. That's all. No need to get too worked up on your end either, and I know you don't have the time to worry about this board, but if moderators start routinely shutting down threads, perhaps someone has to monitor the monitor. Might be worthwhile to see if this trend continues. I think this suggestion is reasonable enough.
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