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connoisseur series500

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Everything posted by connoisseur series500

  1. what's the sign on stuff again? Looks like I have to sign on again on the site.
  2. Darn it ALL if Agg doeSn't poSt a dUmb lame duCK of a poSt!
  3. Scary moment. Thank god they arrived safely. Must have beat the crap out of that package en route!
  4. We just picked up another date for Thursday December 16. ICE Restaurant & Bar, 405 Madison in the PNC Bank Building in Downtown Toledo. 5 pm till 9 pm. http://icerestaurantandbar.com/ I'm there!
  5. Glad you guys are back together even should it be on a part time basis. Never hurts to extend one's boundaries.
  6. One last shot to avoid ebay on these. Prices have been reduced. shipping is $2 Sonny Clark, "My Conception" $8 XXXSOLDXXXKenny Dorham, "West 42nd Street" $8 XXXSOLDXXXBennie Green, Hornful of soul" TOCJ $13 w/obi Freddie Redd (w/Jackie Mclean) "the connection" $10 Grant Green, "Sunday Mornin" $10 XXXSOLDXXXJimmy Smith, "Lonesome Road" TOCJ $12 XXXSOLDXXXJimmy Smith Trio with Lou Donaldson $15 TOCJ w/ obi XXXSOLDXXXStanley Turrentine "Up at Minton's" $25 for vol 1 and 2 (separate JRVG mini-lps) shipping is free. $10 for these JRVG mini-lps: ($1 for shipping only) Kenny Dorham, "Trompeta Torcata" Art Blakey, "Mosaic" Kenny Dorham, "Afro Cuban"
  7. List has been updated. Feel free to make me an offer on anything that is left. Thanks to everyone who purchased something.
  8. I missed all this wonderful Brazil?
  9. Free shipping on anything that's left (still too many for me to list on ebay.) For foreign buyers, we can work something out.
  10. I would take this if still available. I sent you a pm.
  11. Couldn't tell you. I don't read Japanese,but there's a long player list at the back of the cd case.
  12. This remaining pile is still too large for ebay. I'm in a discounting mood. drop me a line.
  13. Catching up with everyone's pms. Responses shortly.
  14. 24 + 24 = 24?? It scares me if you're administering doses of medicine to patients! Agg needs some meds. A day = 12 hours. I meant day as in day not "day and night." Heck, the whole Dallas Cowboys team needs meds too.
  15. Final price cuts have been made, except for the JRVG mini-lps,which do well on ebay. I can discount the mini-lps if people buy a few of them at one time.
  16. I'll let this run for one European day and one American day (which equals 24 hours) then I'm putting this stuff on ebay. Again, feel free to haggle if you are willing to buy more than one. You can even haggle over one cd but you've got better pull by going after more than one.
  17. I've listed a bunch of really good stuff for sale, and you guys are all focused on this?? Haven't received a single pm from any of you. Either you already own everything, or you people just don't like me. You can even belittle my pricing all you want. I just don't want to be ignored.
  18. packages were mailed out to Spoontaneous, Amirbagachelles, Pete Johnson,and Riverrat. Still awaiting payment from a couple of buyers. Lots of stuff still there, guys. If you don't like any of the prices, you can pm me. I'm negotiable, and I would rather not have to ebay this stuff.
  19. I should be caught up now. Have replied to everyone. I'll get the cds out in the mail tomorrow for all those who have paid. I'll update the list to reflect the purchases. Thanks
  20. This should be the last bunch I sell for a while. I looked them up on Amazon and I am offering them at a considerable discount. All of these are considered "uncommon," and I am sending the common stuff to a local brick and mortar store to sell. I can offer further discounts for multiple purchases. Feel free to haggle a bit if you are buying more than one. All are in excellent condition unless mentioned. Some of the jewel cases may be scuffed. Feel free to enquire if you want to know the condition of any jewel cases. Shipping is $2/cd (less for multiple cds) Foreign shipping at estimated cost. paypal preferred. $7 Clifford Jordan Mosaic (single cd) XXXSOLDXXXHank Mobley, "Far Away Lands" light scuffs not affecting play XXXSOLDXXXHank Mobley, "A Caddy for Daddy" $8 XXXSOLDXXXDexter Gordon, "Stable Mable" Steeplechase light scratch not affecting play Bennie Green, "Glidin along XXXSoldXXXKenny Dorham, "Short Story" Steeplechase (the word, "Amin" written on the back of the liner notes.) $9now $8 XXXSOLDXXXFreddie Redd, "Redd's Blues" Conn Lee Morgan, "Standards" $10now $9 XXXSOLDXXXBooker Ervin, Cookin XXXSOLDXXXBooker Ervin, "Book Cooks" "For promo use only" stamped on back of liner notes. XXXSOLDXXXBobby Timmons, "Born to be Blue" XXXSOLDXXXJackie Mclean, "Vertigo" Conn Blue Mitchell, "Cup Bearers" Blue Mitchell, "A sure thing" XXXSOLDXXXLou Blackburn, "Complete Imperial Sessions" 2 cds Conn Stanley Turrentine with the 3 Sounds 2 cds Conn XXXSOLDXXXArt Blakey, "Africaine" Conn $12now $10 Dexter Gordon, "Tower of Power" Grant Green, "Standards" XXXSOLDXXXBennie Green, "Trombone" on Time label XXXSOLDXXXJacke Mclean, "New Soil" light scratch outside of playing area XXXSOLDXXXCal Tjader, "Sona Libre" XXXSOLDXXXRandy Weston w/ Booker Ervin, "Monterey 66" Jimmy Heath, "The Quota" XXXSOLDXXXKenny Dorham, "Matador/Inta Something" $13now $12 XXXSOLDXXXDizzy Reece, "Comin On" Kenny Dorham Memorial Album (Kenny Dorham is on it!) Xanadu label Booker Ervin, "Down in the Dumps" Sonny Clark, "My Conception" Conn $14now $12 Grant Green, "Sunday Mornin" $15now $12 XXXSOLDXXXBobby Timmons, "Workin Out" w/ Wayne Shorter and Johnny Lytle XXXSOLDXXXJackie Mclean, "Tippin the Scales" XXXSOLDXXXGrant Green, "First Session" Conn $16now $14 Freddie Redd music from the Connection w/ Jackie Mclean XXXSOLDXXXBill Harper, "The Awakening" $20 XXXSOLDXXXHank Mobley, "A Slice of the top" TOCJ Japanese imports Stanley Turrentine, "Joyride" w/ obi strip $12now $10 XXXSOLDXXXStanley turrentine, "Look Out" $10 XXXSOLDXXXFreddie Redd, "Shades of Redd" $7.50 (sample not for sale in inner ring of cd) XXXSOLDXXXBennie Green with Art Farmer VICJ $9 XXXSOLDXXXJackie Mclean, Swing Swang Swinging $15now $13 Jimmy Smith, "Lonesome Road" $15now $13 XXXSOLDXXXIke Quebec, "Soul Samba" w/ obi strip $10 Bennie Green, "Hornful of Soul" w/ obi strip rare--offer a price $20 Black Lion label Kenny dorham, "West 42nd Street" $17now $14 XXXSOLDXXXDexter Gordon, "Takin the A train" $10 XXXSOLDXXXGrant Green, "Reaching Out" $15 Vee Jay (collect the individuals since the Mosaic box is so costly) XXXSOLDXXXLee Morgan, "Expoobident" $7 XXXSOLDXXXHere's Lee Morgan 2cds $11 XXXSOLDXXXWayne Shorter, "Second Genesis" $7 XXXSOLDXXXIntroducing Wayne Shorter $6 XXXSOLDXXXWayne Shorter, "Wayning Moments" $14now $12 Japan CTI imports (all with obi strips) all in like new condition XXXSOLDXXXJoe Farrel, "Outback" $13 XXXSOLDXXXDon Sobesky, "Giant Box" $15 now $14 XXXSOLDXXXFreddie Hubbard, "Polar AC" $12 XXXSOLDXXXArt Farmer and Jim Hall, "Big Blues" $17now $14 XXXSOLDXXXMilt Jackson, "olinga" $17 now $14 Rare (make me an offer) XXXSOLDXXXStanley Turrentine, "Z.T.s Blues" ($15) Jimmy Smith Trio w/ Lou Donaldson JRVG mini lps (Japan) 24- bit $12 Kenny Dorham, "Trompeta Toccata" Art Blakey, "Mosaic" XXXSOLDXXXStanley Turrentine, "That's where its at" Kenny Dorham, "Afro-Cuban" XXXSOLDXXXGrant Green, "Goin West" $13now $12 XXXSOLDXXXJohn Jenkins with Kenny Burrell $15 XXXSOLDXXXDuke Pearson, "Profile" XXXSOLDXXXDuke Pearson, "Tender Feelins" $30 Stanley Turrentine, Up at Minton's vol 1 and vol 2. Two separate JRVGs.
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