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connoisseur series500

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Everything posted by connoisseur series500

  1. I thought "Complete Don Wilkerson Blue Note Recordings" was a real clinker. Talk about uninspiring play! The man seems devoid of ideas. I bought the set because of Grant Green, but I couldn't imagine that the tenor player would be so boring. I dumpled the cds as quickly as if I had picked up a snapping turtle in a pond. Damn, my hand is still sore.
  2. I just did a big "Duhhh!" in that this evening I became the proud winning bidder on ebay of an item I already own. I emailed the seller and told him that i would fulfil my obligations and send him the money, and he graciously said that he would relist it. I thought it was another title and not the one I already owned. Okay everyone: together: "DUHHHHHHHHHH!!!"
  3. I wish to also thank Soul Stream for a great review of "Am I Blue." Well done. My favorite Grant Green is "Street of Dreams." Beautiful stuff. I haven't listened to it lately so am unable to go into any detail here; but it is my personal choice as his greatest cd.
  4. Love your avatar of Edward Hopper, David. He's one of my favorite artists.
  5. Personally, it wouldn't bother me should anyone wish to offer cd-roms for trade. I don't collect cd-roms myself and the few I have will be replaced by cds once they become available, but it doesn't bother me in the slightest should others wish to publicize their wants. This is not a Blue Note sponsored board, so we don't have to worry about ruffling any corporate feathers. Paul
  6. Ah, Soul Stream, it seems you love Big John's music as much as I do. I happen to like some of his lesser known stuff like "That Certain Feeling" and "Memphis to NY Spirit." Patton and Blood Ulmer were made for each other. And Grant Green too!
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