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connoisseur series500

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Everything posted by connoisseur series500

  1. Great comments everyone. Rooster always takes particular care with his responses, which is good. Boy your tastes are scattered all over the place! Of course, mine are as well. Rooster, perhaps we need to create a new poll. Take note of some of the titles which have been listed and create a poll for "your favorite Conn." Offhand, it looks like Larry Young, "Into Something" gets lots of votes along with Hill, "Judgment" and "Smokestack." Have to look back on all the posts to pick out the top ten. Interesting that Booker Ervin's "The In-between" is so popular. I sure do like that one too. Of course, you have to create the poll, Rooster. You know what happens when I create a poll... I felt it important that everyone express their opinions regarding the Conns they found disappointing. Not everyone did that, but I felt that it would make particularly interesting reading, as we all tend to praise--perhaps overpraise?--things while posting. I could have named another 5 disappointing Conns beyond the 5 I already mentioned. We all want to be fair to the artists, I'm sure, and perhaps the Conns I am not pleased with could grow on me with further listenings. Still, I don't believe that all 99 Conns were excellent material. Most were and that in itself is a tribute to the Blue Note people and their selections.
  2. I love Coltrane's Atlantic years, but to know Coltrane we have to listen to his Impules recordings as well. I agree with Ubu's comments about the music being dark and brooding. Sure is. It's got depth and you can always stick on Bennie Green's "Soul Stirrin'" afterwards if you need some cheeriness.
  3. Ha! Bol, If you got that cd at Encore, then I was the one who traded it in! Did that a few weeks ago.
  4. Where do you get your stuff at, Bol? Encore? Wazoo? I'm up there quite a bit but haven't been lately. Did Encore recently change hands? I don't see the Dales over there anymore and they seem to have a different crew.
  5. Okay, I've just finished listening to Grass Roots with the intention of making some comments here. I have heard the cd quite a few times before, but I wanted to be able to break it down a bit more. First of all, I am unable to comment without being influenced by Jim and Lonson. I too feel the second session is superior to the first, but the second session does not have "Mira," which is the best song on the cd. I do feel that Ron Carter and Booker Ervin hurt the first session. Both are just not with it. I love Booker but he appears to be out of his element with Andrew Hill material. I notice that the solos are a little short, and this doesn't help. He acquits himself fine on "Mira" and "Bayou Red." I do like both Booker and Ron Carter, but they were off on this date. Lee Morgan cooks throughout. He plays well as does Andrew Hill and Freddie Waits. The three of them rescue the session. I do prefer the second session but I find the versions of "Soul Special" and "Bayou Red" to be too slow. The solos are wonderful however. I too like Jimmy Ponder's work on the second session. Reggie Workman is excellent and the horn section is terrific. "Mira" is a terrific song. I wish that Andrew Hill had done a session which would have been his version of "The Latin Bit." I just love Andrew's offbeat Latin style. Overall: the cd is 4 stars (5 scale.) I aint selling or trading it.
  6. That phrase is an accidental bit of poetry. I didn't appreciate the poetry of it when I got that message! It was just preventing me from creating my poll.
  7. Hey Joe, Don't feel bad. It's a great session. Definitely in my top 5. It's just that we have to single out one.
  8. I'm planning on buying the book once it turns up on Edward R. Hamilton discount catalogs. :rsmile:
  9. I voted for "Street of Dreams" and it looks like I'm the only one. One of the most beautiful sessions I've ever heard. Excellent playing throughout. As mentioned elsewhere, I think that Mccoy Tyner helped raise Green's musicianship on both "Solid" and "Matador;" those are two outstanding sessions as well. So are several others listed there. "Idle Moments" is well known and will probably win the poll. It's a great session as well.
  10. OK guys, you forced me into it. I just voted!
  11. Great post, Sidewinder I like Booker's "In-Between" and would probably include that in my top 10. Your comment also that it is difficult to find one that you do not like is fair as well. I believe that all are good discs but tastes account for why one may not "hit" me (such as Moncur, "Some Other Stuff.") I'm really excited about looking for some of the 50s stuff mentioned by Ed. I've always been a fan of 60's jazz and I do have some 50s but have been put off by poor recordings and masterings. We know this wouldn't be a problem with the Conn series, right?
  12. Oops! I didn't have enought space to add Green Street. Perhaps I could have kicked one of the choices out and replaced it. I guess Green Street hasn't caught on with me yet. Have heard it only a few times. That's the problem with these polls: the choices are governed by who sets em up. I would have included Green Street had I known it would have garnered some votes. I'm sorry
  13. Andrew Hill SMOKESTACK Horace Parlan SPEAKIN' MY PIECE Horace Parlan UP AND DOWN John Patton, GOT A GOOD THING GOIN Pete LaRocca, BASRA Lee Morgan, DELIGHTFULEE Wayne Shorter, ADAM'S APPLE Stanley Turrentine, EASY WALKER Kenny Barron, OTHER PLACES Bill Evans/Eddie Gomez, INTUITION Kenny Burrell/Jimmy Smith, BLUE BASH Grant Green, GRANT'S FIRST STAND
  14. Actually, I did use the "back" browser when I first set up that poll. Maybe that was the source of the trouble. Won't do that again.
  15. I just successfully ran a practice poll and it came out okay. Think I've got it now. Thanks :rsly:
  16. This is just a practice
  17. Would like to know if it is possible to delete posts. I started a poll in ARTISTS and it came out about ten times!
  18. This is bad: I don't have nor have I heard three of your favorite five!! Looks like my retirement from cd purchasing will have to be put on hold.
  19. Grant Green is one of my all-time favorite artists. Still, I do have a favorite session. Let us know what yours might be. I will postpone my vote since I set up the poll.
  20. Got it now; Thanks Rooster!
  21. answer this fascinating poll
  22. Catesta always comes up with some good ones!!
  23. Latest update: Moose has woken up and is posting all over the place. Rooster has let out his strategy of editing-for-numbers. Africabrass has been silent, but will no doubt reenter the fray at the earliest opportunity.
  24. Hey Rooster, I tried to create a poll and I get the error message: "A poll is a choice. 1 choice is not a poll." Obviously, I just can't get it.
  25. Thanks Rooster, I think I will test one out.
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