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Everything posted by andybleaden

  1. I thought the new stuff was better than the original lp if you want to try the last three tracks perhaps cliff englewood as they seem quite different and reminded me more of other Hutch dates As for the opinion of others or another or les autres...maybe others may confer or confirm or conform
  2. One word...WOW! I used to have Head On on Lp then burnt it and sold the lp when my lps went. This latest reissue is fantastic both for the original material but more so for teh extra 3 bonus tracks which are longer than the original LP...it is as the notes say like having a whole other new LP for free AND The bonus tracks are absolutely brilliant, really strong and how they never saw the light the first time around .......well I know why but they are very very good. Gradually picked the later BH material on CD to replace older Lps and they are really enjoyable I would recommend this cd to those who like Bobby H and need more and to make it even better it cost me 5 quid shipped and sealed!
  3. I have this and it is some parts good too.....good to hear BJP anyway...you got his other Muse work...hmmm mean streets no bridges etc?
  4. April...........that is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo not fair
  5. they are up there a long time and the blood does thin somewhat
  6. that trovar site is a really neat little site Gradually over the last few years I have battled to try to find as many of the ECM titles as possible and I wish this Touchstones series had been around years ago. Same with other labels. Much nicer that not having it, much nicer than downloading it as well. As for bad packacing it stands to reason at the price. I wish a more sustainable option than jewel boxes had been pursued along way back. That way I could have snuck more cds on the same old shelves....as it was I tried getting cheap Japanese Blue Note Mini lps when I could to thin things out a little so I could get some more!...however that policy backfired when it was discovered to be a ruse to get more cds per shelf ECM have to move fast as there are many sites that offer most of their catalogue to download. This way and with the beautiful book they released earlier this year Horizons...I am still captivated
  7. Well of course it is down to whether you went to Oxford or Cambridge
  8. Seriously? That sh*t still happens in court? Anyway in jury matters in the UK we assume two principles 1 They (defendants) are always guilty if they make it to court (forgetting of course miscarriages of justice ) due to the sheer paper work now involved 2 The new UK gov principle adopted from the high street of Try one Let one free. We only have so many places in prison so we have to let someone out to let someone in....let too many people out and then the next trials all have to end in a custodial sentence or prison would have spaces, which would lead to cut backs, which would lead to strikes, which would lead to riots etcetc
  9. Not kidding... My pleasure Sorry will sort next
  10. hi all sorry if question swere unclear. Jim nothing more in the poll than a quick show of hands. Do not allow links on this site or you will run into trouble I am sure. Trends are interesting but what I love to see are the 'well if it was this then yes if that then no' exception type responses. We retionalise our behaviour in different but patterned ways I think... Againit is only a snap shot from the other debate...please feel free to suggest changes...or do a different poll and Jim again if it compromises you ...delete it
  11. Understood...only quick reactions are needed...'sometimes' are for when the feds ain't watching over your shoulder!! It will not show much of a clear result but will show something more than ' i assume'
  12. ok tried to sort one...erm not as easy as I thought..if it causes any uncomfortability or hair pulling mods please feel free to pull/delete it
  13. So come on tell us what you think and do using the poll to keep it anon Apologies if you think the poll is either wrong/biased/worded unclearly I assume you can edit this afterwards Mods please delete this if you think it may cause you any problems
  14. Perhaps an anonymous poll would help enlighten how people think and what people do...can we do polls here...er sound little thick...can i do a poll?
  15. Slow down and save money with less fuel costs and no speedy fine. Speaking as someone who got nabbed years ago and now behaves better. I think the better solution recently has been average speed cameras....drops peoples speed down a hell of a lot...imagine one at every motorway exit. that would stop all the speed up and then slow down merchants. If the government want to tax people more for this ..I'm cool about it
  16. I always thought it would would be the type of person who pressed the olives
  17. For me it has to be the Mintons Lps which I had on japanese lp for years before the 2 cd doubletime issue came out which I played and played
  18. Have had these in various formats lp cd etc and always enjoy em as with the one he did with Curtis Fuller..Images of ...on Savoy
  19. Let's hope he wasn't on the pier ...or on the Studland bus ! Wasn't that the nudey beach down there......there must have been a sighting somewhere to the left of the bus and everyone ran to one side with the binoculars
  20. Nice article and interesting thoughts from Dan also about Lee Morgan.....will have to go an listen to Search for a New Land just to remind myself how damn good that was...not that I need to ....I can feel the rhythm already -_-
  21. I will back all of them...none of them are similar to me to the blue notes but that is their beauty ...really different sides all three...if you see em ..get em!
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