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Everything posted by andybleaden

  1. Quite!
  2. MY apologies. My girlfriend dropped by and I had to lock the chat room door. I got some serious hardware issues here with the java thingie which takes ages to load then firefox crashed...ohmigod! Back another day ...off for a cider!
  3. Hey sorry bebop...I got chucked off the internet and now cannot get back in the rrom...byee!
  4. got this yesterday from a friend who did not like it......real nice especially ne mes quitte pas ..the first track up is just great I must admit I do like his ECM work a hell of alot .....my other one I liked was lift every voice Also picked up gianna cosci ( round about weill) from the same guy and a marc johnson lp.....bass desires NIce sound on all of em too......I have spent years picking these ecms up and more often than not love em ...a few squeakers but very rare.......always fresh (even the nose lutes!)
  5. Yeh I saw a copy here in the UK in Manchester for £100 however many thousands of dollars that buys -_- It was a big bugger anyway but very nice and so is a hundred quids worth of music...... Just imagine a francis wolff book that big!!!!!!
  6. Yup always look forward to this one coming out on cd I have a few trakcs from samplers such as the heatin system and two others I guess Always look out for the samplers if your lp is getting worn.... I attach the lp for those who ain't seen it and the samplers for some of mcduffs cadet stuff including the heatin system
  7. I prefer the older ecm material myself although up for it was OK and radience was kinda ok. I prefer Koln Concert and Sun Bear stuff and oh yeh maybe Abour Zena...love that sound
  8. Well I downloaded it and using firefox it worked ok....but no one was there (sob)
  9. I have the Cd Black Coffe which feature JOhnny Hammond Smith Riverside LP Mr Wonderful and Black Coffee ...... Sonny Williams (tp) Houston Person (ts) Johnny "Hammond" Smith (org) Eddie McFadden (g -1/4,7,8) Leo Stevens (d) NYC, 1963 1. Blues for De-De 2. Mr. Wonderful 3. Cyra 4. Lambert's Lodge 5. Love Letters 6. Blues on Sunday 7. Departure 8. Opus II Tried to find the orginal artwork for this and Black Coffee (which I found after a long search) anyone else got the front cover for this ?
  10. I know others who have ripped lps to cdr have added the track details back to the library, I certainly have after a little work and hope that someone somewhere will not have to input titles, details id3 tags etc for that rare little blue note that they have scooped
  11. Go with it and get a copy if I were you. I have had it for more years than I care to remember and love it. Treat yourself to a copy whilst you are buying one for a friend
  12. I have the two fer cd and the japanese copy of my people...saw it an thought ...that ain't gonna be on the OJC series so nabbed it immediately Nice cd too The other two I had a lps and then sold them and got the twofer cd the profit from the lps paid big bucks towards the tocj cds from erm either mundo/hiroshi or dusty groove BGP have put some stonkin jazz out without much noise.....houston person was one with 'the real thing'
  13. Spot on compared to the Ruppli in front of me at the mo .......even has the same is you or is you theme.....guess the may not be the only ones
  14. Was this what you wanted ? Maybe not on second view Got it from gokudo jazz site in japan http://www.gokudo.co.jp/Record/BlueNote2/bn1500%20034.jpg sorry it was too big for the size allowed
  15. I'm with you there. There have been some hideous CD's (the first 'Kind of Blue' issue and some other CBS and MCA titles come to mind), but the Blue Notes and OJC's have always sounded pretty good to me considering the age of the material. The Blue Note CD's I really long for are the later Bobby Hutcherson titles such as 'Rosewood', which haven't ever been released on CD in any form. Was rosewood a woody shaw release with bobby hutcherson on it ? Cannot remember Anyway there are plenty of Bobby Hutchersons to go at either with or without Harold Land I would love to have seen a mosaic set of his 70s stuff for instance ( although Natural Illusions never agreed with me!) favourite at the moment is Waiting.....and Montara
  16. Discwasher................you actually said discwasher not dishwasher................... I wrote it down wrong and they have finished the rinse cycle along with my spaghetti and look a little 'bendy' Will an iron work to make em straight again?
  17. it would be nice if they did a retro cover for it...you know in a reid miles type of way....just for us old timers
  18. Ihave it and its a killer session.....really cooks
  19. Who or rather what is Manchester United?
  20. and while we on the subject of Lou Donaldson, he has given plenty of interviews..all of varying interest ...here are a few http://www.chicagopublicradio.org/audio_li...oudonaldson.ram also here where he says http://www.jazzprofessional.com/interviews...20Donaldson.htm "In ‘68 with Blue Note we got a hit with a little tune called “Alligator Boogaloo”. In fact, I was the first jazz musician to do something like that; but it sold, man. I made a lot of money—no regrets about that. People like Lonnie Smith and George Benson were on the record; so that was a real good band. As for the commercial–type albums I made in the ‘seventies, the ideas for these came from the company. See, I had put the bite on ‘em for a sizeable amount of money, and it’s like any other business—as long as you play free, you do just about whatever you want to do. The minute you put demands on the company for money, they put demands on you for what to play. They bring in an A. and R. man. What they think they’re doing is bringing in somebody to make sure that they’ve got a saleable product, but actually, what they really do is kill everything they have." by the way I have also just used google book search .........WOW! anyway enjoy!
  21. Interesting post even if some of was a crock of the proverbial -_- Interesting though I too remember the BNBB board discussion and Blue Note people were also chasing relatives of former artists the Mobleys and Willettes as well as as living ones etc so there were some who were (pre liberty ) in receipt of royalties. As for fraud and stealing.......well business practices seem to insist upon now and I am sure they did then Andy
  22. I think I may have a scan of the rear of this at home...let me have a scout around....I am hoping I never lost it when I got the mosaic select It replaced a very nice cdr I had of the two fer
  23. Its a service I provide for dusty cds
  24. I have just got hold of this......what do other people reckon to this ......not got a great deal on this label but this was really nice. Lawrence Marable, James Clay - Tenorman (Jazz West JWLP 8) James Clay (ts) Sonny Clark (p) Jimmy Bond (b) Lawrence Marable (d) Capitol Studios, Los Angeles, CA, August, 1956 IM-4602 Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea IM-4603 Easy Living IM-4604 Minor Meeting IM-4605 Airtight IM-4606 Willow Weep for Me IM-4607 Three Fingers North IM-4608 Lover Man IM-4609 Marbles I like Easy Living myself
  25. mike fitzgerald said The Europeans were much more on the ball about this kind of thing. Quite a bit of their TV stuff has been saved. Its the pirates in us all matey ah har Both the authorities and fans have managed to save what little we have had on tv ....just in case I remember reading in some notes about Houston Person that the The Real Thing live at Watts Club Mozambique was recorded for TV....fancy finding that on a dvd!...I mean with GRANT GREEN!!!!!
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