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Everything posted by andybleaden

  1. Hmm.....I would try to make sure you get to hear it first.....I had the chance to buy one and borrowed a friends and gave it a listen and decided against it in the end and bought the other mosaics that were lying around at the time. Have you heard it yet? Give me a shout if you want a UK angle on prices Andy
  2. Well, here is the bad news. I bought this set (albeit from Ebay with no box and booklet) and was rather disapointed all round. I love Groove Holmes playing but even that failed to inspire.....Its one of the MOsaics (maybe one other) that I never , ever listen to anymore...in fact I have thought about selling it as it needs a better home than I can give it Shame I know but its the truth
  3. They have arrived and they are brilliant. My favourite so far is bip bop bam.......what a classic lp It is nice to know that this guy is still cookin and doing good stuff too I would recommend these to one and all Andy
  4. I bagged the Tal Farlow and it came .,....all fine and dandy too Nice set as well Andy
  5. You keep everything in the toil...oh is this public??
  6. I could of course claim all credit ( and of course will when the board is devalued again) but Mr Google deserves all the credit. A cunning search using the latest theater (theatre over here of course luvvie) type of search terms........very specialised and geeky search under freddie roach and plays on google and ignore boxing references! see what others can turn up as I got distracted with other substring searches
  7. Coming over to the UK now....thanks a bunch for the heads up Ordered all 4 as I think I may be possibly, or even not, indecisive.I think Andy
  8. outragious really when you think of it. Will look out some of the george benson stuff.....hmm got me thinking now about some other Benson stuff with him on
  9. just did a quick check.....and found this........too good to be true http://www.doollee.com/PlaywrightsR/RoachFreddie.htm says about a piece called soul pieces....too obvious not to be him from 1969 well maybe not Andy
  10. should need to speak to some of the local thespians (note spelling!) who should recollect -_-
  11. They would both be nice to get hold of.....especially the blue note date Can see that coming somehow as they have hardly done him much of a service so far
  12. What a facinatiing resource . Real pleasure to read that. Not been on that site for a while...a long while Lucky enough to own all of his stuff and wish only a little more had been recorded Thanks for posting it Andy
  13. Yeah imagine if they could squeeze em all into one of the mosaic select thingies like they did with Andrew Hill recently. Wow Cannot see that happening though ( mind you I never could with the Hill material and that was superb!) I am sure a small amount of pressure could be brought to bear by a few more board members here
  14. I hereby declare that you are banished, never to return. Your name will be eaten and will never be seen again. ok So .......is it any good?
  15. Well I only have got A Love Supreme.....had some of the others and let em go -_-
  16. Looks interesting enough for sure so i will look this one out when the time comes. Mind you I said that about Horace Silvers book.
  17. This is one I have only ever seen once and predates his Blue Note work Here is the line up (thanks to Doug Payne) Now I know some came out as George Benson records but I saw one lp that was lonnie smith FINGER-LICKIN' GOOD SOUL ORGAN Lonnie Smith New York City: March 10, 1966 Blue Mitchell (tp); King Curtis (el-sax); Ronnie Cuber (bs); Lonnie Smith (org); George Benson (g); unknown (b); Jimmy Lovelace (d); Benny Golson (arr). a. (CO 89366) Our Miss Brooks (Harold Vick) - 3:04 b. (CO 89367) Keep Talkin' c. (CO 89368) Lonnie's Blues New York City: May 27, 1966 Richard "Blue" Mitchell (tp); Harold Ousley (ts); Howard Johnson (bs); Lonnie Smith (org); Al Michelle (g); Charlie Persip (d). d. (CO 90514) Lonnie's Blues (Lonnie Smith) - 3:38 e. (CO 90515) Keep Talkin' (Lonnie Smith) - 2:21 f. (CO 90516) What Do You Think (Lonnie Smith) - 2:45 g. (CO 90517) Bright Eyes (Lonnie Smith) - 2:50 h. (CO 90518) Minor Truth (Harold Ousley) - 4:07 New York City: November 22, 1966 Blue Mitchell (tp); King Curtis (el-ts); Ronnie Cuber (bs); Lonnie Smith (org); George Benson, Melvin Sparks (g); Charlie Persip (d). i. (CO 92508) In The Beginning (Lonnie Smith) - 2:54 same, except Lonnie smith (org, vcl). j. (CO 92509) Say Stuff (Lonnie Smith) - 2:55 same, vocals out. k. (CO 92510) My Babe (Willie Dixon) - 3:25 l. (CO 92511) Mama Wailer (Lonnie Smith) - 2:36 New York City: May 22, 1967 Blue Mitchell (tp); King Curtis or Harold Ousley (ts); Lonnie Smith (org); George Benson or Melvin Sparks or Al Mitchell (g); Marion Booker (d) 2 unknown (perc). m. (CO 92722) Hola Muneca (Lonnie Smith) - 2:53 same or similar, horns out. n. (CO 92723) Can't You Just Feel It (Lonnie Smith) - 2:51 same or similar, add horns. o. (CO 92724) Minor Chant (Stanley Turrentine) - 3:23 p. (CO 92725) Jeannine (George Benson) - 3:23 q. (CO 92726) Sideman (George Benson) - 4:47 Note: Thanks to Didier Deutsch for assistance. Issues: a, d, e, i, j, k, m, n, o, p & q on Columbia CL 2696 (mono), Columbia CS 9496 (stereo). Samplers: e, f, g, h, k & l on Columbia CG 33569 titled BENSON BURNER (as by George Benson). h also on CBS Embassy (E) 31566 titled SUMMERTIME. p & q also on Columbia CK 66052 [CD] titled IT'S UPTOWN (as by George Benson). p also on Sony (Fr) 497793-1, Sony (Fr) 497793-2 [CD] titled DIGGIN' DEEPER: THE ROOTS OF ACID JAZZ VOL. 5. q also on Rare Essence [no.?] titled RARE ESSENCE: A FUNKY FUSION OF JAZZ, LATIN & SOUL. Producer: John Hammond Notes: Del Shields
  18. aha...found the blighter! It was something I read on a Houston Person compilation called Personality (on bgp) The writer (John Crosby)in reference to the live set said ' the bulk of the material came from two vibrant nights of 'live' recordings made at Detroit's Watts'Club Mozambique (an event evidently filmed, probably for a local TV special" Now that was what I was on about....I would LOVE to hear or see that for one as it is a killer session in my opinion...but on TV WOW! Grant Green Jack Mcduff and Houston Anyone know any more? Surely somebody out there must a heard of it...if they new for the cd???? Somebody>>??
  19. may have been on the cd compilation thingie...at work now will check when I get home. You are right it ain't on the record but I do remember reading it...at least I think I do...oh eck...nurse Here is the record anyway
  20. as with the mozambique session I had said this before I am sure but the notes on Person release from there refer to tv recordings being of them all playing together ....anybody know any more on this I would love either of these to come out and good to know they are thinking of it what ever the sound recording quality I would snap em up in a ....erm ...snap!
  21. Interesting and look user friendly. Depends how easy it is to input.....oh god file input.....just gone off the idea. See computers will be smart when they know what cds I have with out me listing them and have some nifty way of sorting them. and working out how to hide all the details from 'you know who' in case she works out how much they you know what' $. Cause when that happens I will be in the 'you know where '
  22. and round the front for those who ain't seen this one either
  23. And the Grasella Olliphant stuff which on my cd lists it as 1967 but no date as far as I can see
  24. heres the front for those who ain't seen it Andy
  25. Here is the original back cover ( from the Japanese cd)
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