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Everything posted by andybleaden

  1. Great picture which I have not seen for a while....did it not used to be on George's site before? also a little weird seeing the test pressings and did not know a that it was a p and not an ear.....does that mean all those who have sold big bucks Blue notes need to offer refunds b about the 25 test pressings.....means there are 24 more...to come!
  2. Fell out with that particular publication not very long after reading it ...
  3. Actually all of us show business celebrities are much better looking than you think we are on TV -_-
  4. that is really creepy as wednesday I was reminiscing with a friend and that song came up and so sought a d/l out to hear it again ( I do looooove the internet for that) and was groovin with my kid at home to it Wednesday night...and then I read this...sppoookky Read the wiki entry and heard it really displeased Elvis which made the recrod twelves time more important for me! I remember having a tape of it as a kid as part of a radio special on Radio 1 with annie nightingale on radio 1 from the mid 80's for a halloween special.
  5. i thought you had to squeeze the lps in the disk drive!!!! On a serious note (sorry!) make sure you play around a little with the volume so you get it just right as with a new pc - comes a new sound card which will be set up different and so you may want to mess around with it first with a track you know like the back of your hand sound wise to get it all tikkety boo Andy
  6. good brother ray (charles)could do that standing on his head....how about One Mint Julep.....just a little bit o soul now!
  7. Yes I cycyle every day to work and back ....different way to coming home and get about 24-25 miles a day in the Peak District which is rather hilly but GORGEOUS! I also cycle at weekends too and love that. Got a hybrid and a mountain bike but will eventually move from the hybrid to a road bike when this one wears out! Other raod users are probably no more of a pain I guess than me but the one gripe I have is all the dirt and yuk off the road during the winter moths which coasts the bike in this horrible goo! However I started 2 years ago ...three reasosn...hate driving, healthy exercise, lovely scenery
  8. did not mention the appearance of a man with a large paper bag outside rather to burst it and make a big bang
  9. Shame if we lose another BJP fan becasue of an oversight Welcome aboard if you are still here Been trying to get a blog/web thing just for BJP started up but getting slower at making it work. Any help anyone? Need more info/insight /opinion etc I think we could have perhaps handled this one a 'little' better ...ie HI no problem here are some links , you can find more info clicing here for a search for any artist Never mind dmaage done I suspect John Patton music is far too important to some of us to let this stand in the way
  10. Just heard Been out for a few days. Devastated. Talent this good does not grow in abundance My favourite track right now is Illusion Sad loss for his family. At least the last few years he has got back some of the credit he deserved but Devastated
  11. You could read Kahn's other work on Kind of Blue I am really enjoying the new ECM book at the moment. I also have in the pile the Lee Morgan book which looks more interesting that I had first thought. If you are really stuck for new books then there are some lovely older books like the As Serious As Your Life book by Val Wilmer which I enjoyed immensly. Another one I enjoyed was The Musical Life of Gigi Gryce by N Cohen I think his name was. The last one to throw at you if you want something a little different is Eric Dolphy. A Musical Biography and Discography by Vladimir Simosko and Barry Tepperman and then....!!! if you are really stuck...get your old box sets out and get to grips with the notes!
  12. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I am cancelling the appointment I made just yesterday ( ain't been since 2003- oooh!) Before I did not go for 16 years Not a smidgen of decay However the first thing they did was xray my teeth. Had me all sat up...did some adjustments and start to count down ....then ran out the room...........like that was gonna calm me down Now I have seen that picture again I will get the wobbles Will you delete it if I take away the picture of the hammer drill???
  13. Absobleedinlutley I/we have the same hassle with people who just don't not give a hoot for any one else but them The world revolves around them Period Mind you I also see the same woman run her kid to school (poor sod!) every time i walk to school Why not stick the alarm on 5 mins early I mean she looks stressed already and the day is only beginning...he never gets to chat on the way ...all you can hear is "hurry up" BUY A CLOCK! Just in your own personal life it would be so much nicer for yer chums In a professional capacity...people just laugh at you On another note I used to work with a guy who was soooooooo to the minute that I used to think he would get spooked easy so I used to make sure I was always (ALWAYS) early at a rendevous.... Sure enough ..even had him turning up 20 mins early once.....to see me stood grinning waiting for him...we had a beer and laugh about it and went back to normal...I always let him be first naturally
  14. don't trust em....the buggers will be kneeling on your chest and tugging em all out and cos you ain't been for a while they will refuse to use pain relief and/ or gloves and watch out if they have one of these.....
  15. just got the new one and have not been in long enough to give it a listen yet
  16. heard a few bootlegs from then in the EU I know what ya mean
  17. No wonder then why you're a college graduate without credit cards who refers to dollars as 'big ones'. MeeeeeeeeeeeOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW Proud of ya!
  18. Just been listening to Musart and its very very different from Laughing Soul by a long way. I really have taken to it and there was less voices than I feared
  19. how do we know he did not suceed hmmmmmmmmmm?
  20. Got a copy of the ECM Output LP by Dauner and its ...well....ok! Nothing too special for me but nice to hear after all these years
  21. I have the Argo Carnival Date and quite like it. Maybe the Argo label is the stamp collection I never had but need to turn to after I finished all the others! I like the Ain't that Soul and Going back home sides in particular
  22. andybleaden

    ECM Records

    Just picked up both the Bennie Maupin date The Jewel In The Lotus- wow! and also the Leo Smith Divine Love.....which is my fav fav of the week as far as new discoveries go When you stand up with the Kenyatta dates...three awesome dates that are well worth ressue in my ever so humble opinion
  23. Well their work on Patton's LP Soul Connection would testify to that certainly.
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