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Jack Sandmeier

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    Los Angeles Ca.

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  1. Groovissimo...real funny,
  2. In the early 70's Rolling Stone Magazine had a article "Most Traveled Acts In The Nation" Number 1 on the list The Harlem Globe Trotters@52 weeks a year. Number 2 was The Stan Kenton Orchestra @ 50 weeks a year. I use to have that in a frame..but don't know what I did with it...Buy the way,,where are my car keys?
  3. I have millions of stories..thank you
  4. So one time in Italy we played this place..it was packed. I went out the stage door to discover there were 100 of people out there. Christ I couldn't believe it. I then went out the front door and there was nobody out there. I hailed a cab....gave some money and told to wait. Meanwhile the Show ended I told Dick the situation. Dick says Get Stan outta here and I will take care of the band." I said no Dick you don't get it..its bad. Dick said "Sandmeier your uncle Dick has been through this before..Don't worry!!" OK DICK Goood friken luck. I grab Stan to the waiting cab...we are back at he hotel in 10minutes. Meanwhile Dick and the band get back in about 45 minutes. Dick walks into the bar looking a little franic..and I laugh and say "Damn Dick..where you been" Dick looks at me and said..."You know where I've been asshole!" "Took us almost an hour to get out of there" I laugh and said I Told you it was bad..Stan and I have been here for about an hour already!!" Dick said "you prick" Dick and I were always playing pranks on each other
  5. The infamous "blue cup" Yep did that a few 1000 times....Jack Sandmeier
  6. So I wanted to through in my two cents..on Dick Shearer but the Shearer Post are Closed. I joined the Kenton band in Texas as a bandboy in April 1970. After a few months Dick suggested I become the bands Road Manager..to Stan. That meeting to0 place at the Anaheim Hyatt House during the Disney gig. Took place in the bar. I got a drink no problem. Mike Vax was leaving the band. That meeting took place with Stan and Dick in the bar. said said to me "you can't screw this up...your charge of a lot shit ...payroll..itenaries..contracts..at 19 can you do all that?" No problem Stan I can take care of it." I said. It was a done deal. From that point on my life changed BIG Time. I went from getting a sub sandwitch..to eating in class joints with Dick and Stan. Dick helped me at first with a system that was established..that worked well if you worked at. Don't forget it was the days with no cell phones.So Dick and I became close friends through the years. I remember I was in Florida when he died..after getting the call..It clouded up on a hot summer day..rain all day and all night. I really miss him. Jack Sandmeier@beersetyouup@hotmail.com
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