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Everything posted by Harbour

  1. Yeah this was the only Japanese Strata CD reissue that I have that seems to be a needle drop, and not a good one either, there have been two subsequent versions on Solid Records, anyone know if they are any improvement?
  2. Another Ra release, not part of RSD but also on Modern Harmonic coming soon, looks interesting, i do love stripped down solo Ra (i think Samura Celestial accompanies him on drums for some of it, it seems to incorporate bits of St Louis Blues-Solo Piano with some unreleased tracks, though according to Irwin Cusid its all previously unreleased https://sunra-mh.bandcamp.com/album/uncharted-passages
  3. some possibly interesting things on list, i assume all will be getting cd releases too given the labels involved Bill Evans - Further Ahead (Live in Finland 1964-69) (Elemental) Freddie Hubbard - On Fire- Live From The Blue Morocco (Resonance) Mingus in Argentina - The Buenos Aires Concerts (Resonance) Sun Ra - Stray Voltage (Modern Harmonic) Sun Ra - Nuits De La Fondation Maeght (Deluxe Edition) (Strut)
  4. Charly/BYG have been releasing a bunch of these in Europe again over last year or so, both LP and remastered mini Lp CDs, so far they have done some Shepp, Art Enemble, Sun Ra, Don Cherry, Brigitte Fontaine, Gong and few others so assuming/hoping that they will do the whole catalogue then these Japanese ones will be the same mastering but who knows if they will do them all.
  5. so is this actually available anywhere, despite the late Nov release date i can see v few actual listings for it and zero availability
  6. Just got my copy from Italy, for 25 Euros its fine but would not have been happy paying £70 for this, its as cheap and flimsy as they come, at least the previous large multi disc digipaks felt sturdy and used nice material, this just reeks of cost cutting in every department!
  7. I don't think i've ever seen Belle Antique releases sold on Dusty Groove so CDjapan or Amazon.jp is a better bet
  8. Some great MPS releases are getting the Japanese mini LP treatment on Belle Antique in July, all but one have never been on cd. Wolfgang Dauner's Et Cetera ‎– Live (1973) Joachim Kühn – Cinemascope (1974) Hans Koller, Wolfgang Dauner, Adelhard Roidinger, Zbigniew Seifert, Janusz Stefanski – Kunstkopfindianer (1974) Jasper Van't Hof's Pork Pie – The Door Is Open (1976) https://merurido-jp.translate.goog/topic.php?srcbnr=75815&_x_tr_sl=ja&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc
  9. The Bremen one is fine, that review refers to the Gesprächsfetzen & in Sommerhausen release
  10. No i never inferred there were a lot (not like there are a lot of reviews for this release full stop) , i could have sworn i saw another negative one somewhere else too, anyway he was pretty slating hence my post, i'm happy to be proved wrong about the quality anyway, that's all i was enquiring about.
  11. interesting, i saw this review on Amazon which was slating the quality, so he's being a tad ott with his complaints here? i'd love for that to be the case, i generally avoid those HatHuts for all the reasons above https://www.amazon.co.uk/Gesprächsfetzen-Sommerhausen-Marion-Brown/dp/B0CH1YF3ZF/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1S412KJ0R181H&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.e_NL4YzyIwyfelmqNV5mXc874m5w824VeYiEcC0Rr9YVo-iIXOL--eV6TcOazNux7LYIB4bLxQ_OLmWSPQnMUmKiQy-FynfxGldC_RSFKcTaTCiVtyn4n5nKbU3eglez3icpU4ci-3bd0IP0wgRPXX-Q_4TAEcyVBOGHKscoxmOcCKg4Pw0vUu9TNQWR8_-8yFO37wWBG4lUkWiE9vjTKfEOEITfndIl2tTX5IUiv9U.umAW0s8sI_9l6g6vC7fco4Q7qpdDzEnmBVhik0RC61c&dib_tag=se&keywords=marion+brown&qid=1715454370&sprefix=marion+brown%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-1
  12. So from all reviews I have seen this is an atrocious needle drop botch job which is a real shame since the Live In Bremen one was excellent but I now see HatHut are doing one of those twofers with Three For Shepp & Gesprachsfetzen, does anyone have this yet or know if it’s more likely to be properly sourced on this version
  13. I’ll stick with this much more reasonable Japanese 4cd version which has the same content https://www.discogs.com/release/25584262-John-Coltrane-A-Love-Supreme-The-Platinum-Collection
  14. this is the correct cover https://recordstore.co.uk/products/the-carnegie-hall-concert-cd
  15. That was only one song, Africa, though, i meant the other three tracks, i assume this will be in better quality too.
  16. Looks like this show is finally getting an official release on Impulse, has the whole thing ever circulated before? https://www.dustygroove.com/item/169620/Alice-Coltrane:Alice-Coltrane-The-Carnegie-Hall-Concert?incl_cs=1&no_incl_in=1&sort_order=release_date
  17. It’s available on Amazon U.K. for a hefty £34 at moment, I want it but not that badly!
  18. Tokyo Bound definitely needs a reissue too, it has only had one cd reissue in Japan in 1990 so pretty hard to get.
  19. This is finally getting a reissue (CD & Vinyl) in January on as part of BBE’s J Jazz series, it’s a great session! https://bbemusic.bandcamp.com/album/reminicent-suite-2
  20. This is being released again on cd in Japan as a mini LP next week if anyone is still needing it
  21. Amazed that people don’t know The Orb, they were pretty big in the US too but maybe only in certain scenes. Rickie was none too pleased by her being sampled, she had a stinking cold when doing the interview so sounded v out of it which worked perfectly on the song, anyway I think she got some decent money because of it The other main sample is Pat Metheny’s guitar from Steve Reich’s Electric Counterpoint, Steve was flattered by the sampling and didn’t sue, the drums are sampled from a drum break on Harry Nillson’s Nilsson Schmillson! On another song they sampled Minnie Riperton’s Loving You which also fell fouls of legal powers that be so they had to replace with a soundalike.
  22. Pirates & The Magazine are def my favourites, and I have a guilty appreciation of the complete AOR of Flying Cowboys too. I discovered her, I imagine like a lot of younger people, when the Orb sampled her on their track “Little Fluffy Clouds” in 1990 which was taken from a promo interview CD promoting Flying Cowboys. The Girl At Her Volcano EP from 1983 is lovely too where she covers some jazz standards.
  23. its up on Amazon now with picture & more info Mary Ann (Live In Bremen 1969): Amazon.co.uk: CDs & Vinyl
  24. This looks interesting, don’t think it has been officially released before? https://www.grooves-inc.co.uk/marion-quartet-brown-mary-ann-live-bremen-1969-moosicus-indigo-cd-pZZa1-2100807682.html its certainly been out there unofficially but not sure if this is taken from master reels http://bigozine2.com/roio/?p=2299
  25. you should have combined your order with mine and mjazzg
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