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Steve Gray

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About Steve Gray

  • Birthday 06/09/1947

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    Brighton, England
  • Interests
    Hi Fi
    Barcelona and the Costa Brava

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  1. Near (?) miss - Barry Harris and Harry Barris
  2. romualdo mentions that in his discographical info earlier in the thread. Love For Sale was originally on a Columbia LP compilation called Black Giants. Just want to say that the handover from Miles to Coltrane on Stella By Starlight is one of the most magical moments in recorded jazz for me 🙂
  3. "Night Of The Cookers" wasn't very good sound-wise either.
  4. RIP. Was Playing New York Scene yesterday... Only Sonny left now from the Art Kane photo
  5. It's on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuctdfkQ_50
  6. Kenny Burrell says here that he played with Parker
  7. Have you actually emptied the trash? Putting something in the trash doesn't actually delete it in case you want to bring it back
  8. It was on this tour that Louis recorded an episode of 'Desert Island Discs' for the BBC https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p009y1rb
  9. This BBC film about Hifi in the UK in the 50s is hilarious all the way through and is well worth watching but it also contains a scene in HMV in Oxford Street of a row of booths with different music coming from each booth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9o_eZGaaMk The Hitchcock film was "Strangers On A Train"
  10. Volume 8 is available. now, on Amazon music at least and I assume another platforms I am so glad that the series hasn't been abandoned
  11. Unfortunately definitely the latter!
  12. Nope
  13. I well remember the review of Ole in Jazz Journal in, I guess, 1962 The reviewer unfavourably compared the playing of "George Lane" to Boyce Brown. Of course in those days we didn't know definitively who "George Lane" was and I am not sure that the reviewer had heard any of Eric's records.
  14. Basie next please
  15. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2024/feb/02/a-man-cannot-learn-without-discipline-jazz-guru-marshall-allen-on-life-with-sun-ra-and-turning-100
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