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About ssjazz

  • Birthday 02/16/1950

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  1. Marvel's Agent Carter--hoping the music would fit the historical period. Jumpin at the Woodside at about 1 hour 2 minutes into the 2 hour premier. Not sure which recording of Jumpin at the Woodside they used. I probably wouldn't have watched any more of this series, however the use of that tune convinced me to keep listening/watching. Silver Spring Jazz
  2. Which Benny Green was that? The piano player who recorded with (separately) Ray Brown and Russell Malone, or the trombone player , or somebody else?
  3. Is the VIDEO of the remembrance of Billy Taylor that ran on CBS Sunday Morning on January 2 available somewhere? The Sunday Morning web page lists a remembrance of Billy Taylor that ran on January 2. But the video does not seem to be available on the CBS web page http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/10/26/sunday/main6993125.shtml?tag=hdr;cnav
  4. My copy of this Select set arrived today. I remembered how much I had liked this band when I heard them live in '66 or '67. I had just one of these Phillips albums on LP at the time. I haven't had a turntable since about '90, and had heard only "Woody's Winners" in recent times. So I wasn't sure how much to trust my memory of this band. I had hesitated purchasing this Phillips set in case it didn't live up to my memory. My memory was right! Listening to disk 1, I think this will become one of my favorite Mosaic sets!
  5. Enjoying Gerry Mulligan Select disk 3. I was surprised that I like the "Stringtime" material. Especially "Out of Nowhere".
  6. Sirius Pure Jazz, now playing Buddy Rich Love for Sale
  7. Tony Williams. Cindy Blackman. Write up in the Playbill for the "Mary Lou Williams Women in Jazz Festival" says, "...and her source of inspiration, Tony Williams".
  8. [font="Arial"]"Just Friends" as played by the Montclair Women's Big Band, at the Kennedy Center on Saturday May 17, as part of the Mary Lou Williams , Women in Jazz Festival. Does anyone know who wrote the arrangement that band uses on "Just Friends"? Is it Rob McConnell? Wonderful section writing for the trombones!
  9. My copy has the printing on the CDs incorrect. CD1 has CD2 printing and CD2 has CD1 printing. But it appears all the music is there. Is this printing mistake a common one for this 2 cd set?
  10. I've heard both Bucky and John Pizzarelli in performance and on Billy Taylor's jazz from the Kennedy Center say that Bucky especially likes (of his own recordings) one particular recording with Zoot Sims. But I don't remember the recording's name. Any idea which Bucky/Zoot recording that would be? Thanks.
  11. There is a Robert Parker remaster of Jack the Bear.
  12. Is this why the first tune on disk 1 is 10:26 not 11:16 long?
  13. From an article or ad in Stereo Review, or downbeat. I'm not sure of the year. I bought the Monk Bluenote at that point, then later the Bud Powell and the Vogue/Black Lion Monk, on vinyl before I bought a CD player. I've recommended Mosaic to people I have talked to at Concerts and Festivals over the years. I can't say that anybody I recommended Mosaic to in person every told me that they had purchased any Mosaic sets.
  14. Concord Records Holiday SALE [ONLINE PURCHASE] "Live At Maybeck Recital Hall, Volume Nine" Marion McPartland "Music of 1937 -- Maybeck Recital Hall Series, Volume Three" Dick Hyman MAYBECK, VOLUME TWENTY-FIVE" Cedar Walton "MAYBECK, VOLUME FORTY-TWO" James Williams Ballad Of The Blues Jo Stafford Shadows And Dreams Dave McKenna Easy Street Dave McKenna Giant Strides Dave McKenna A Little Piece Of Heaven At Ste. Chapelle Winery Gene Haris It's The Real Soul With Special Guest Frank Wess Gene Haris The Gene Harris Trio Plus One Gene Haris Down Home Blues Gene Haris and Brother Jack McDuff Echoes of Jilly's Monte Alexander In The Studio And In Concert 2 cd set Mel Torme and Marty Paich Dektette
  15. I only heard him once. At a church on Capitol Hill, in D.C. I didn't realize he had been here other times. I've been looking for his Maybeck recital CD for a few years. I think it was the final CD in that Concord series, but I've never seen it listed in the Concord records' catalogs or sale mailings.
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