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John Tapscott

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Everything posted by John Tapscott

  1. My 2 latest Mosaic purchases The Chico Hamilton set - very nice, looking forward to the second listen. Carmell Jones - half way through disc 2 - first impressions - this is a great set - bound to become one of my favorite Mosaics!!
  2. I have it, too, though I haven't heard it for a long while. It's OK, as I recall, without being outstanding. This album stands out in my mind though, because it got an absolutely brutal review in Down Beat at the time. One and a half stars, I think. But no way is it that bad.
  3. This is good news, but I thought the set might have been larger. Off the top, I believe there were at least 4 or 5 Verve LP's of the Mulligan Concert Band. So that means there may some, but not a whole lot of new material on this set. I was kind of hoping for a treaure trove of unreleased material from the Vanguard, or from any of the live sessions, for that matter. But apparently it's not to be. Still, it will be great to have this on CD, as my LP's are a bit worn. On the other hand, it just struck me. Perhaps this set will be just the live material (most likely) or just the studio material. If they have split it up like that, then we might get a lot of new material. But I think it's most likely that it will be a complete set, both live and studio. Just have to wait and see. In any case, a must purchase.
  4. I agree with BFrank on the Gerald Wilson set. It is a wonderful set, terrific sound, great playing. I even think the Wilson arrangements of the pop tunes are pretty good (though that may not be a majority opinion).
  5. Freddie Hubbard - Open Sesame Bud Powell - Swinging With Bud - Vol 1 Bud Powell - A Portrait of Thelonious Plas Johnson - The Blues Ruby Braff - Controlled Nonchalance at the Regatta bar - Vol 1 Gerald Wilson Mosaic - CD 2 Benny Green/Russell Malone - Jazz at the Bistro Ray Brown/Monty Alexander/Russell Malone Bud Shank/Bob Cooper with the Netherlands Metropole Orchestra - A Flower is a Lovesome Thing Shorty Rogers, Bud Shank & the Lighthouse All-Stars - America the Beautiful Stan Kenton With the Danish Radio Big Band
  6. Zoot Sims and Lockjaw Davis - "Tenor Giants" recorded at the 1975 Montreux Jazz Fest. (Pablo) This is a great session despite the very average sound qulaity. It swings like crazy and the rhythm section (Peterson, Pedeson, and Bellson) really cooks.
  7. Ed: I think you'll be surprised. I was not really looking forward to the pop tunes on the Wilson set, but I think he does a really good job with them. They're much better than I expected.
  8. Hicks is one of my favorite pianists. I strongly support the recommendation of his Maybeck disc. It's probably the place to start. I also really like a solo album he recorded in 1992 at the Montreal Jazz Festival called "After the Rain". It's on a small Canadian label DSM. Grab it is you ever see it. The trio date "Beyond Expectation" and a duo set with guitarist Peter Leitch "Duality" both on Reservoir are excellent discs. There 's also a trio date on Timeless from 1990 (the title excapes me at the moment) which is very good. Hicks is also excellent as a sideman. An example I've heard recently is his work on James Spaulding's Escapade on High Note.
  9. Snidero's Joe Henderson CD is great. Highly recommended. The only downside is that it's a bit short. They could easily have included a couple more great Henderson tunes. But what's there is terrific.
  10. I too, admire of Hank Jones, and could easily have counted him among my five favorite pianists in a previous thread. A couple of good Hank Jones CD's on Concord - Solo at Maybeck - Lazy Afternoon, a quartet with Ken Peplowski, Dave Holland, and Keith Copeland Also, though I don't own it, I remember hearing Grover Washington Jr.'s All My Tomorrow's CD a few years ago and marvelling at Hank's wonderful work on that disc.
  11. Well, I can't honestly say the time of day affects how I hear jazz. Generally, I hear jazz best when I'm alone and not distracted by someone or something, which is why I often find it hard to listen to jazz at work. Alone in my car is a good listening time or after hours in my office when no one else is around. Late in the evening at home is good, too, if I can tear myself away from the TV. But I just just never know when something is going to strike me in a new way. It really is the "sound of surprise." For example, I was listening to Inside and Out by Ruby Braff and Roger Kellaway while getting ready for work this morning and I heard some lovely nuances in Ruby's playing that I'd never noticed before. Of course, it will take the rest of my life to hear all the beautiful things happening in Ruby's playing!
  12. I am not a big fan of free jazz and seldom listen to anything that would fall into that camp, but I just want to say that this is a very interesting, insightful and informative discussion.
  13. Some people know, though we never will. But here's a guess for what it's worth. Anybody who's worked in a corporate environment can probably relate to this: One day a bigwig at Blue Note/EMI decides to check out the BNBB. He/She is horrifed at what they see and read. The crisis of the day ensues. Phone calls, e-mails, lots of raised voices, weight and authority being thrown around. "CLEAN UP THAT **** THING BEFORE IT WRECKS OUR NORAH SALES." Everybody runs likes frightened rats to do the "suit's" bidding. And so it is done, as down the ladder people deal with the fall-out from the bigwig's blow-up. As usual in these cases, the whole thing is a train-wreck. Meanwhile, if you ask the suit today what it was all about he/she wouldn't remember a thing about it. Probably give you a blank stare if you mentioned the Blue Note Bulletin Board. "Uh, what's that? Gee, I didn't know we had one."
  14. Well, I've done it. Taken BN out of my browser. Haven't even checked the BNBB since last Thursday, except for a couple of links that were posted here at at AAJ. Things seem to be in sad shape over there. Gee, if somebody had told last Monday I'd be gone from the BNBB in less than a week, I wouldn't have believed it. But the funny thing is, I don't even miss it. As long as we can talk about new Conns and RVG's and keep up with what's going on at Mosaic (and I think we can do all that here), who needs the BNBB? I like this place. Let's keep building it up.There's a good feeling here.
  15. Off the top (and yes, it may change tomorrow) Kenny Barron Oliver Jones Dick Hyman John Hicks Dave McKenna Tomorrow's list may include McCoy Tyner, Oscar Peterson, Harold Mabern & John Bunch
  16. Serge Chaloff Mosaic - disc 2 Gerald Wilson Mosaic - disc 2 Ruby Braff & Roger Kellaway - Inside & Out Blue Wisp Big Band - 20th Anniversary Don Byas & Bud Powell - A Tribute to Cannonball Mike Vax Big Band - Live On the Road Dick Hyman & Ralph Sutton At Maybeck Mosaic Sampler Bob Barnard - New York Notes Bud Powell - Jazz Genius John Bunch Trio - The Best Thing For You
  17. Still finding my way around, but this looks pretty good. May well become the successor to the BNBB. Somehow the word needs to spread.
  18. Those bright lights are a real pain for other drivers esp. when they're on an SUV. I drive a small car and those lights on an oncoming truck or SUV shine right into my eyes and nearly blind me. I'm not entirely sure why people need those lights in city or suburban driving anyway, with all the street lights. They might be a help on a dark country road, esp. if you feel the need to drive fast. But I drove for years on rural roads with regular headlights and survived quite nicely.
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