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Everything posted by dave9199

  1. The same reissue listed on Jazzmatazz that says it's coming out Sept. 1st?
  2. I want to get One In Two, Two In One by Roach/Braxton when it comes out.
  3. Brubeck's set at Newport was very inspiring. Great saxophonist though I don't remember his name.
  4. Moving on up.
  5. That's the plan!
  6. I'm looking for a cdr of a show under the name of Gifts & Messages. It's not the studio album of the same name. Here's what's on it: http://www.eclipse.net/~fitzgera/rahsaan/rscotts.htm Please PM. Thanks.
  7. I saw him at Newport. Uh...it was good. All the songs sounded the same, but he was wearing what looked like an electric blue suit. It was him, Denardo, & 2 bass players. I heard an old guy said it sounded like mice running around on the floor. I only recognized one song, but can't remember the title, mid to late '60s. I don't quite know what else to say about it except I'm glad I saw him.
  8. Hey Hardbopjazz, does that mean you were at Newport on Saturday? I was there myself.
  9. I'll be seeing him in Newport this weekend.
  10. I agree with cannonball-addict about Jay London, although when I read Jazzbo's post, I laugh at it for the first time. I think it takes a little adjusting to at first. We need Steven Wright-esque humor anyway, well, I do.
  11. I've only caught a few episodes, but Jay London is great. "I used to be a farmer. I raised eyebrows."
  12. My wife & I will be in row X, seat 1 & 2 on Saturday, and row Q, seat 27 & 28 on Sunday (purposely picked isle seats). If anyone wants to say hi, I'll be wearing black Converse sneakers with pink paint on them. House priming snafu, you see.
  13. If I remember correctly, it might be 10:30.
  14. They say it does rain at least one day, really.
  15. My wife & I are going for both days. I wanted to see Ornette Coleman as out of all of my jazz cds, he's the only one still alive.
  16. Robert Pollard of Guided By Voices Pete Townshend
  17. Say it's a I-IV-V-I, major.
  18. dave9199


    I think it might've been Green Chimneys from 1967 or 68. That's the only 60's original of his I like. With a constant line up, for a while, I don't think it challenged him and he may have wanted it that way by that time. I don't find Charlie Rouse particularly enthralling. I don't have anything after 5 By Monk By 5. I got that because I liked the work Thad Jones did on it.
  19. Are there standard notes to a walking bass line? I'll choose Bb as the key.
  20. I voted no as I live check to check & don't have the money to buy large quanities at one time. The only time I did have a backlog was (wait for it...) when I got into jazz and started buying box sets of numerous people (with the unfortunate help of my charge card...I think I've paid those off now & they were all used from Amazon!). I listen to a cd when I buy it, then I put it on tape (that continuous recording material, 'member that?) and listen to it in my car. That's where I really get to know an album (that's right, I said album) (Too many friggin' asides in this post.) (Yes, I think so too.) (Well you would think that.) (What's that supposed to mean?) (Hey I'm just saying maybe you could move out of your mom's basement if you didn't buy so many cds.)
  21. The night Johnny Coles collapsed is also the Sue Mingus issue called Revenge on the Revenge label. That's right, right? Brownie, edit your 1954 to 1964. B)
  22. Aw...Alexander you're right. Was that the name of the Yes drummer who played with Lennon & Ono in Toronto? Yeah, that's my alibi. Got 'em mixed up.
  23. I'm in need of a screen & printer font called Lydian (& if you have it, Frutiger, but that's not as important). I lost it when I had to reinstall everything on my computer after a move. Please PM & thank you.
  24. If Purdie says he played on the Tony Sheridan tracks, then he replaced Pete Best's drums no Ringo's. I voted for Ringo because the least important member will survive...i don't know, just because, I guess. And where's Alan White who played on a version of Love Me Do??? In 2 years everyone will play When I'm 64 when McCartney turns 64. They probably did this year as Ringo turned 64 this month. But enough about me...
  25. As a big Beatle fan I hate to ask, but who's Bernard Purdie?
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