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Everything posted by dave9199

  1. Since your post was intriguing Clementine, here's a review from a reader on Amazon of The Cockfighter: You can't really relate to another man's (or woman's) obsession, but "Cockfighter" does a impressive job of drawing the reader into the psyche of Frank Mansfield, the single-minded hero of this pretty intense novel. Frank's goal in life is to win the Cockfighter of the Year award, and he's taken a vow not to speak another word until he does so. In relating silent Frank's journey, the author takes us on a memorable trip through the cockfighting pits of the Southern U.S. and allows us a close-up look at the rugged, obsessive, fiercely individualistic types who haunt them. You will learn from this novel virtually everything you could conceivably wish to know about cockfighting; the details feel absolutely authentic. Above all, though, it's a convincing portrait of a man driven half-mad by his private demons.
  2. DON'T PAINT YOUR TEETH CHANEY!!! One think that's cool about the documentary is it opens with shots of Point Judith in Rhode Island & I believe that song is on Six & Six. What's cool is my wife & I lived in Providence (Hi impossible!) & drove to Point Judith a few times. We recognized the scenery & the lighthouse that I believe is mentioned in the song. Cool, no? You seem to be enjoying the first 2 cds. Have you made it to #3; Later On?
  3. Awww Chaney, I'm itching to get my cds. The check was cashed today. Maybe Saturday? Hope so.
  4. We appreciate your opinion, but also feel differently about him. We (well Chaney & I anyway), like him in part for those reasons. Confusing, eh? I feel that listening to jazz worked me up to stuff like this. It really helped break down my view of music to essentials and abstracts. I think that can be said of Jandek also.
  5. Impossible - Nope, I ain'ts never heard no Lightning Bolt. Chaney - Yeah, that whole phone interview is on the DVD
  6. Impossible, have you heard any of his stuff? If so, what do you think? Chaney, they don't say where Corwood came from but they do tell where the name Jandek came from. The DVD will be out in November and might have this info in its extras (and there are extras).
  7. The intrigue will always get ya. Have you tried the Aquarius Records site?
  8. Yes I want to see this or buy it when it's out on DVD. Is Richie Ramone in it? (The drummer from 1983-1987). He's never said anything about his stint.
  9. Impossible, I figured you would have at least heard of Jandek. Do you own any of his albums?
  10. Jazz reference in Season 2: Peabody & Sherman episode-Nero Nero is about to play a concert; "I'd like to play an arrangement by Gerry Mulligan..." That's it, half a sentence.
  11. Hey Chaney & John B, here's my first post to the Jandek board: Hello all, My name is Dave & this is my first post on this board. I stumbled over Jandek about a month ago on a Guided By Voices board that had a thread about him. That led to Seth's site & the rest will be history. My wife and I (who live in Connecticut) drove to Cambridge, Mass to see the opening screening of Jandek On Corwood. We enjoyed it very much though were very tired from having driven to Boston the night before to see Guided By Voices at The Paradise. (Anyone else married or with someone who likes Jandek? I consider myself very lucky.). I've read through all Seth's archives and didn't quite understand when someone said that there was laughter from the audience during the showing. I thought it was laughing at, but once I saw it, I understood as I laughed also, just the way things were said, (I love Eric Clapton) or captions from reviews. Having been to Point Judith when we lived in Providence, it was cool to say we recognized the lighthouse and the area. It was also cool to see exactly where my $80 check will end up in the post office in Houston. The end was the most intriguing. Listening to Sterling Smith's voice, I realized, aside from a long pause, he's just a regular guy, no more no less. And his voice looks like it comes from that head (know what I mean?) without a doubt. I was very surprised no one mentioned about the origin of the Jandek name nor will I except to say that it makes you laugh at it's normalcy. It was then that I thought about the Katy Vine interview question, "Do you want people to "get" your music?" "There's nothing to get." I understand that now. The only difference is when Sterling Smith puts 2 + 2 together, it doesn't always come out to 4, it sometimes comes out around 17. Lots of people connect irrelevant things together & make something new. That's all he does & it's great & it's normal. He's kept that child-like wonder into adulthood, very hard to do, let alone express. Pure & honest, nothing more, nothing less. P.S. At first I wasn't going to mention this, but I think this part will interest the board. I called Corwood to make sure that the first 20 cds are available as this is really what I wanted to hear. I left a message with my phone number. Being Labor Day weekend and excited at a new musical discovery, I called again & left the same message. I got a call a couple of days later from Sterling Smith (I asked if it was Sterling & he said yes). I asked if the first 20 were available, they were & I said; "I've read sometimes you give freebies out & I wanted to make sure I wasn't going to get any as I'm waiting for the 40th album to come out so I can order another box of 20." He laughed at this. I said; "By my reckoning, the 40th album should be out in the first half of 2006." He said; "It'll probably be sooner."
  12. I believe I found that one & that's what I'm looking for; good cost & a workhorse. Cuircut City has one for $130 & and an RCA for $99. I'm going with the Sony. Just have to get the money put aside.
  13. How about Sony? Are they decent? I also ask this about their TV's too as our picture tube is going.
  14. I'd say between $200 & $300, or lower (I don't know honestly)
  15. What's a brand name that will just work for years & years, like a Subaru. I have a Sharp which has been great, but the laser is going. Had it for over 15 years. What's out there now?
  16. John B, go to Chaney's 1st post & click on Aquarius Records. Put in Corwood for a keyword.
  17. I was thinking of ordering the exact same way. I'll wait until I see the documentary & I bet I'll be jonesing for his stuff by then. Though when I think about it, it can feel like an OVERLOAD of mental illness. I'll have to go slow through them. The a cappella ones sound like the hardest ones to get through. At the rate he's been releasing stuff (2 a year), it looks like #40 will be his first one of 2006. I wonder if his prices will go up if a lot of people start ordering after seeing the documentary.
  18. You can get 20 cds for only $80! That's almost half of his discography at the moment. I think he just put out #37.
  19. How long have you known about him Chaney?
  20. God Damn Chaney! Thanks for the link. I finally got to hear what he sounds like & I'm not sure what to think. I just played a couple for my wife who liked it. We're planning to go see a screening of the documentary in Cambridge, MA on Sept. 10th. I think I'm gonna like him. I also ordered the book Songs In The Key of Z which has a chapter on him in it.
  21. I just discovered this a few days ago & am very intrigued. Anyone familiar with his music? http://www.jandekoncorwood.com/
  22. You'll be getting a copy Bright Moments.
  23. Got it taken care of but thanks for the effort couw!
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