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Everything posted by dave9199

  2. I've been listening to Davis's Get Up With It cd, an album I've always liked, and have seen either here or possibly on BNBB a thread about how great the song Rated X is. I would agree...IF I COULD FUCKING HEAR IT!!! WHY THE HELL IS DAVIS'S KEYBOARD SO LOUD?!? Pardon my yelling, but what I'm hearing underneath, sounds REALLY good, but...UGH! THAT FUCKING KEYBOARD!!! So here's my question: Is this song not as annoying on vinyl vs cd? I just read the paragraph in Chambers book Milestones that calls it a great song, but how can nobody mention it's ruined by the level of the keyboard? If it was mixed lower, it'd be fantastic. I freakin' hope it get remixed when it shows up on box #8. Thanks for listening, I always knew I could count on you to be there.
  3. Alright, Chaney's back! 15 down; 5 more to go (until the next 20).
  4. One of my favorite Miles songs is Willie Nelson. I can listen to all 6 versions on the JJ box back to back & not get sick of it.
  5. I've done exactly this. I used Amazon, cd universe & all music guide as references. Had to print it out or write it down. I did it to tape.
  6. Does this mean you're gearing up for some more reviews Chaney?
  7. I'm waiting. I like the theory someone posed about his 4 album output this year: That he's taken early retirement & has more time, hence the show also. I figure in another 2 months, #40 will be out since that's the interval he's been putting them out. That means in about 7 months time, I'll have bought 40 Jandek cds. Holy freakin' crap!
  8. Hey Chaney, #39 is out! One more to go. I bet that #40 will be the live one.
  9. I got The Simpsons Season 5 for Xmas. Just came out on the 21st.
  10. Maybe by then the Miles Davis Legacy series will be done!
  11. My question is in reference to the June 1970 version. I went back & listened to the March, April & June 1970 versions & can hear the theme in March & April, but in June the theme is broken down to fewer notes & played differently. I think this is what possibly happened to the bass line & the June version is what resulted from that; it makes it sound like it's an altogether different song. I don't think I ever really knew what any book was talking about when they say Miles would use fewer notes from a melody. I believe I actually get it now.
  12. Is this really the song Directions on the In A Silent Way box? The bass line sounds like it's from the Jack Johnson box, but I didn't find it there and it doesn't quite sound like Directions on IASW. Is that a typo or not?
  13. I think the most important question is this: When are they going to put The Beatles Story on cd??
  14. I started buying jazz Xmas 2001 and I chose the box set route. Eesh! That was a killer. I had a list of 5 or 6 artists I wanted to try out & if I liked them, well there goes the money. What happened was I liked some of the other musicians that played with the leaders so it kept going. Fortunately, as far as jazz is concerned, it's hit an end, but for me, I always manage to find something else to buy; be it new or remastered. As many have read the Jandek thread, though cheap at $80 for 20 cds, that's still the equivilent of a box set. This week I've been obsessed with downloading mp3s of (get this) The Monkees. I burned a cd of everything I really liked by them & cut out the crap (this was about 4 years ago). So I wanted to hear the songs I left off & guess what: "Hey, these songs aren't as bad as I thought they were." Download, download, dishes piling up, ignoring my wife & cats. Last night I thought: "Between what I have on cd & what I've downloaded, that's pretty much the albums that are out. Hell, I might as well just buy the cds used from Amazon." Yep, that's the plan. My palms are sweating as I type this. Anywho, I go from one to the next and ALWAYS manage to find something to buy or relisten to. I absorb stuff so fast it amazes me. From Jandek to The Monkees; if that doesn't show some insanity in my genetics than nothing will.
  15. HUSKER DU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I know this ain't jazz, but I bought this from the label, Scat, for $30. It's a vinyl LP, triple album, sealed and comes with a no-frills cd version of the album (listened to once) (this came with the order for an extra $5 which was what I wanted, but almost all of the songs I have on something else which I knew going into this). Anywho, it's anyone's for only $20, no shipping cost. PM me & thanks. (I tried selling this on a GBV site & no one responded)
  17. A personal favorite of mine is Mingus Moves on Rhino.
  18. The guy just looks at the technical, and leaves out the emotional. That's why it doesn't make sense to him. Emotional first, then look at the technical, and nothings right or wrong. He's freekin' retaaded, I tells ya.
  19. I was just starting to get burned out then I got the dvd & it started all over again.
  20. 'Taint for everyone. Hey your member #4! I just noticed that.
  21. How do you get picked to pick?
  22. No. He already had left for the greener pastuers of the David Lee Roth Band. The rest is history...I mean his story. Which reminds me of the first time I got high. I was with my brother, we just gave his friend a ride home & were walking to our house (I was 16 & a virgin) and I blurted out, "Did ya ever notice how girls smell like their tampons?" He fell on the ground laughing. He also agreed (he was 22). It was a year or so later I realized what I was smelling: Aqua Net hairspray. Why did I think it was a tampon, I have NO idea, absolutely none. We still laugh about it.
  23. Though not a drunk comment, I did do the following: I was sleeping over a friends house, this was when we were in high school in the mid-80's, and he always sleeps with the tv on. I fell asleep first and he was still awake. Evidently, I sat upright, looked at him and asked, "Is David Lee Roth still in Van Halen?" He said no & I went back to sleep. Maybe a couple minutes later I actually woke up and he's looking at me with this huge grin on his face. "Do you realize what you just asked me?" I said no. I don't remember it at all. We still laugh about it.
  24. So now that I've finished reviewing for now, I'm listening all over again & something has always bugged me. I couldn't seperate Ready For The House from Six & Six since they're stylistically so similar, but finally I feel I've accomplished that and with that, I must change my ranking so here's my updated ranking of the first 5: KEEPERS 1. Chair Beside A Window PERSONAL OPINION 2. Later On 3. Ready For The House FOR COMPLETISTS ONLY 4. Living In A Moon So Blue 5. Six & Six I moved Six & Six because it's just like Ready For The House...only less so. House is tough to get through, but following it with Six & Six can be too much to some. But more songs stuck out to me on House and while a couple stuck out on Six & Six, they don't hold my attention the way the ones on House do. Though House is hard to digest, it's a must buy because as someone else in this thread said: It's the alpha! Edit the next day: (Dedicated to Chaney) I moved Moon to #4 & Six & Six to #5. I hadn't relistened to Moon when I posted this and when I did, it held my attention more than Six. His singing on Moon is all over the place & I like it whereas Six is more spoken.
  25. I re-read the Jandek chapter in Songs In The Key Of Z and in a letter to Chusid from Smith, he states Nancy is featured in many future cuts, mostly electric. So Nancy#2 IS Nancy#1. I'm still going with the possibility of a Nancy#3 (now Nancy#2) on On The Way & Somebody In The Snow.
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