I almost became a victim of this. I got an email that asked me to fill out my personal info for Amazon, but what was suspicious was the heading read not Dear Dave, but Dear dave9199@... and they asked for my PIN number which Amazon obviously doesn't need. I got another one saying because of the "phising", my password has been changed and almost did all of that one, but wanted to check it out. I couldn't send an email to Amazon through them because of server issues on their end and a box popped up to put in my phone number for a call back. I didn't do it and tried for 2 weeks to send this email, but there was still problems at Amazon, so I sent an email to another dept in Amazon and got an email back saying it was a phishing email, but now I'm too paranoid to create a new password as I can't tell if it's the real one or the fake. Just wanted to let everyone know to be on your guard.