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  1. It was 50 years ago that The Rolling Stones started with Brian Jones publishing an ad looking for a band.
  2. I never made the connection, but in the book they said the joke naming an album Flip Your Wig was that it was a board game featuring The Beatles and they were also named after a board game.
  3. Read the Husker Du book. I'm so glad a book finally came out about them. It's really good though it doesn't spend a lot of time on the Warehouse album and their last year as a band. There are some mistakes in it too, but overall, a great job. Mould was a control freak all along. The book started out as a 33 & 1/3 books on Flip Your Wig, but was rejected. I'm so glad about that. I'd much rather have this book. http://www.amazon.com/Husker-Du-Noise-Pop-Pioneers-Launched/dp/0760335044/ref=pd_sim_sbs_b_1 Amazon says June 2011 for Mould autobiography. http://www.amazon.com/See-Little-Light-Trail-Melody/dp/031604508X/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1289761680&sr=1-2 Also saw this: Nova Mob's Last Days Of Pompeii reissue in December. http://www.amazon.com/Last-Days-Pompeii-Special/dp/B0043WBZK0/ref=pd_sim_m_5
  4. Reposted if anyone missed it. http://www.sendspace.com/file/r2vgw2
  5. Some are "made up" knowing what was talked about at the time, especially the first chapter. Two and three were made up since it related to the "album", but having literally studied The Beatles, I just wrote what I felt the prevailing mood was which wasn't good. Tension is easy to write and knowing the tensions that were there, I took it to every angle I could think of and tied it with what was really going on at the time. Some quotes throughout the book are real and others made up. That is where, obviously, it's more me than The Beatles, but trying to tap into situations where I felt what they might've felt and letting the conversation flow naturally.
  6. I wrote a book in the format of the 33 & 1/3 books about The Beatles doing one more album after Abbey Road. I tried to keep as much factual info as possible then shoehorn in the story around it. I put it up on sendspace for anyone to download. It has the book (word file), the album (mp3s) and the album artwork (jpegs) in a zip file. Please feel free to let me know what you think. The book also has pictures that I created to make it as real as possible. Enjoy! http://www.sendspace.com/file/g94p44
  7. Tijuana Moods Ah Um Mingus Moves
  8. The label that my band is on will be there. Churchkey Records. Great small label in Durham, NC. My bass player is part owner. We're in The Dry Heathens. http://www.churchkeyrecords.com/
  9. Filed a claim today. Put a copy of the seller's email where he said he'd refund my money.
  10. Has anyone bought a bootleg stereo box without knowing it? I think I did through a third party on Amazon. The covers and printing looked terrible. I told the guy I wanted to return it for a refund and he agreed, but I'm still trying to get my $120 back from him. I sent him an email (my 6th! He's only responded to one before where I also threatened to let Amazon handle it) and told him I'll be filing a claim if he doesn't refund my money. I have confirmation that it was received.
  11. I don't think it has to be that way. But if you try to perform songs that are not suited to your point in life, it can get kind of ridiculous. I mean, "Teenage Wasteland?" At their age? Please! You've got to remember, these songs are for the crowd, they want to hear them. I'm sure the band would be fine not having to play them, but they get played because the crowd wants them, not the musicians. As long as the musicians can enjoy playing it over and over, then there is agreement.
  12. Chuck Nessa sucks. Just saying...
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