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About BruceH

  • Birthday 06/22/1961

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    San Francisco

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  1. Just read "The Martian." Fun read.
  2. Yes, I was very pleased with it. I went in just hoping it wouldn't entirely suck, but was astounded by how good it was. The penultimate episode, "Pimento," is a masterpiece. I just wish that the seasons had more than 10 episodes. 13 would be good, 12 would be good, but 10 just doesn't seem like enough.
  3. Better Call Saul. I've been on board since the beginning, but last night's episode (#6) was amazing. The show goes dark. Damn.
  4. I get 56. But I suck at math.
  5. Spock was the best thing about the original Star Trek, due in no small part to Nimoy's talents. I'd heard about his health problems, so this came as no real surprise, and yet still terrible news. RIP
  6. Jim, that yoeman you mentioned, Janice Rand, she was only in the first season of the original series. Then the whole idea of Kirk having romantic urges towards his hot female yoeman was tossed out the airlock, thankfully.
  7. I liked her. Well, at least she lived a long time.
  8. Sad news indeed.
  9. This is such a shock. So young. I really liked her.
  10. Or don't make a sequel that's shitty.
  11. Sunny, warm, and windy the last few days. Also kind of earthquakey this morning.
  12. Sad news, but the man had a long, productive life. RIP
  13. Modernism, at the De Young, yesterday.
  14. BNBB....11 years.....good lord.....
  15. Like most people of my generation, I was a big Rockford Files fan, but I also caught some repeats of Maverick during one or two summers. Garner was so charming. RIP
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