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Everything posted by northwood

  1. A South Korean tour group was stuck outside a house near Buffalo, so they spent the weekend with the homeowners.
  2. More time than I'd care to admit.
  3. Which Box Sets do You Regret Buying, and Why?
  4. Three sets remain... By the way, my August 26th Bandcamp order was filled by Squidco.
  5. Sold out? That would appear to not be true... 13-CD Box Set with 16-page booklet Limited Edition 13-CD Box. Includes unlimited streaming of Quartet (Standards) 2020 via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more. ships out within 4 days edition of 300 10 remaining Buy Compact Disc $130 USD or more https://newbraxtonhouse.bandcamp.com/album/quartet-standards-2020
  6. ... and Werner is back in control of Hat. goodbye - hello
  7. For the laggards among us, advance ordering of the repressed -- and then, apparently, to disappear -- Bee Hive set has been extended through Sunday, 04/29.
  8. ... and for your listening pleasure, without the need to place a second mortgage on your daughter's dollhouse, now available on the Emanem label, for the no-brainer price of $16.95. "The 2nd SME record to be issued, a 1968 classic of free improvisation as the quintet of John Stevens, Evan Parker, Derek Bailey, Dave Holland, and Kenny Wheeler, the 1st SME to feature their new organisational method, here remastered with far superior sound and balance than previous issues, with new notes by Evan Parker, Dave Holland and Martin Davidson plus session photos." SQUIDCO
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